
 Use this form to contact Larry with personal appearance proposals, casting inquiries and other such matters, and to contact Sue with questions or feedback about the site. Autograph requests cannot be accepted through this form, please go through the shop to purchase one. Thank you!


  1. I Am SobHappy me tv is now saying
    watch chips with larry wilcox and erik Estrada. I have read u have put up with Eric rudeness and. lacking
    consideration I heard he tried to get
    I removed from the show. Youbare very generous to him and a friend someday
    he will realize before it is too later
    Glad metv added your name to commercial thanks for being a nice guy

    • Me to it’s brought back a lot of memories when they actually did real stunts and I’m happy it’s on Charge. I tune in everyday

    • Maybe I should try watching MeTv. I’ve been trying to find channels that have Chips on them

    • Arelis Marie Thorpe

      When the show started back in the 70’s and enjoyed watching every episode, after the last episode was shown I felt very sad. Although I live in Canada I’m able to watch the re-runs of “CHiPs” shown on Buffalo TV “Charge” and to me it doesn’t matter if they are re-runs. I’m hoping they will not cancel it. I have noticed recently where 4 series of the show were shown before they have now cut back showing 3. To me it was a privilege to meet both Larry & Erik personally at Niagara Falls. It was my dream come true which my grand children gave me as a birthday present.

    • Arelis Marie Thorpe

      When the show started back in the 70’s I enjoyed watching every episode, after the last episode was shown I felt very sad. Although I live in Canada I’m able to watch the re-runs of “CHiPs” shown on Buffalo TV “Charge” and to me it doesn’t matter if they are re-runs. I’m hoping they will not cancel it. I have noticed recently where 4 series of the show were shown before they have now cut back showing 3. To me it was a privilege to meet both Larry & Erik personally at Niagara Falls. It was my dream come true which my grand children gave me as a birthday present.

  2. I watched chips every week. Then when I was working I would tape it on vhs tape. One of my favorite shows. Saundra J Schoen

  3. I’m doing a special needs event I’m seeking entertainers to come I charachtor

  4. Chips was one of my favorite shows as a teen. All my friends had Erik in their walls, however my walls were covered with you! Always has a soft spot for the nice guys instead of bad boys. Plus no one else still has that Larry smile!

  5. My name is Mark DiBona, Larry you recently did a birthday message for me. Thank you so much, it was incredible!!! I have been a fan of yours for a long time.

    In the video you mentioned Police mental health issues, thank you for addressing this very important issue.

    I would like to take you up on your offer about assisting me and my organization, Blue H.E.L.P. I truly appreciate the offer and would like to speak with you about working together. Unfortunately we lost 228 Officers to suicide in 2019.

    Please let me know if we could connect and address Police Officer mental health issues and suicide prevention.

    Thanks again, I love the video you made for me, it made such an impact on my.

    Please stay strong, keep up the great work and I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


  6. Sue, I had the pleasure to meet with Larry one day when he was waiting for another person to shoot a commercial at the Queen Mary way back in ‘82 or’83. At the time I was employed at the Queen Mary in the security department and he was parked in a motor home and I had to ask him to move. I was just curious if he happened to remember that day. I’m also a Marine Corps Veteran from’74-‘76 (3/4&2/5). Now a grumpy ‘ol Marine and retired police officer. Hope Larry is well and enjoying life. It would be nice to talk to him again. Thank you, Ma’am.

  7. Semper Fi and welcome Brother

  8. Just watching chips on forces tv its onto season 6 and im not so keen on the last season its not the same without larry! i missed season 3 and only saw 4 5 and now 6. but iv got the dvds of season 1 and 2 so just need to buy 3/4/5/6.

  9. Howdy Mr. Wilcox.

    Don’t know if you’ll ever see this. Just wanted to say I’ve been watching Chips shows on Youtube this weekend. I remember it was a favourite show back in the 70’s. Love watching the big old land yaughts cruising the highways. Alot of classics got blown up back then, very sad. Amazing how the old cars blew up so easily. No wonder they have breaker switches that shut off fuel pumps today. lol. Really enjoy watching your show. Thanks for the happy memories. Hope all is well. Don Frazer, Bowden, Alberta, Canada.

  10. I watched Chips has a 17 year old girl here in the UK from start to finish, I had a typical teenage girl crush on Jon Baker, I just loved his smile, no one had a smile quite like his, and I am happy to say his smile still warms my heart when I see him Smile with a chips patrol bike while supporting Forces TV ❤, keep smiling Larry Wilcox xx

  11. been watching chips all day on forces TV, still watching now, was my favourite show along side the 6 million dollar man as a kid,
    Happy birthday Larry from Ron, Devon, uk

  12. Does anyone know if this site is still active? I sent an order and no response.

  13. I want to say hi to Larry Wilcox. I watched him and Erik Estrada on Chips. I love that show. They both did a great job on the show and I loved their sense of humor. I’d like to meet Larry and Erik someday. I wish him all the best!!

  14. Larry,

    Just wanted to say I love seeing you on here. My whole childhood I wanted to be a police officer because of the show Chips. I never missed an episode. I made my childhood dream come true about 20 years ago. Almost retired and yes I still watch the show when get a chance. Oldie but a goodie.

    Thank you for the great memories


  15. Robert W. Boatwright

    Watching CHiPs while living in Italy. Brings back some great memories. Wishing you the best in 2022!

  16. The thing about Chips is, you guys smiled toooo much! Don’t know if it was bad acting, or you guys were joking with the camera crew. Way too much smiling. You want to at least believe that some of the show is true! After you guys got in fights with bad guys, you would be smiling. Never in the true world. You still had a good presence@! Comment????????????

  17. I have been a big fan of the show since 1980!!!! I have watched it on TNT, Me-TV and now Charge! and I watch “CHiPs” five days a week. Love the cast so much!!!

  18. Chips was without a doubt my favorite show when I was 10 years old. My friend and I would go out on our bikes and pretend we were Jon and Ponch. We made ramps and performed stunts that we knew our mothers would freak out if they ever knew. I’m so glad I can still watch it. I’m 52 now.

  19. Hello Mr. Wilcox – did you own a male Queensland Heeler (now known as Australian Cattle Dog) in the early 1980s? I lived on a horse ranch in Riverside, CA at the time that was owned by Wilma Tate and it seems like I recall your dog sired a litter out of one of her dogs.

  20. Rebecca strother

    Hey John. My name is Rebecca and I’m fan of URS .

  21. Bonjour M. Wilcox,

    Vous êtes une de mes idoles. Je ne manquais jamais un épisode de Chips. Je suis policier grâce à vous et à Erik Estrada.

    Au plaisir !

  22. Hey, Larry. I am sure you get a ton of fan mail, and the chances of you personally even seeing my note are slim to none. That said, however, I wanted to let you know you were a huge influence on my life and I am a big fan.

    My name is Mike Gulitz, and I am 51 years old. I know it is odd for a 51 year old man to be writing here, but as we get older we reflect back at things and people in our lives (even if actors) that brought us enjoyment and helped mold us into the people we would become. I was the biggest fan of CHiPs when I was a kid (must have only been 7 or 8 years old then). Several years back I ordered all episodes on DVD and sat down with MY son to watch them all…when he was 8 years old.

    Hard to believe time has passed us by so quickly. I can’t believe I am 51, and cannot believe that guy I idolized on my favorites TV show is now 74.

    Thanks for leaving such a lasting impression on me, Larry. I really looked forward to sitting down and watching you every week. I hope it is nice to know that you brought so much joy and left such an impression to so many fans…but probably none more than me.

    I hope you and your family are happy, healthy, and enjoying the “twilight years”. It went by so so fast.

    Take care.

    Mike Gulitz
    Cleveland, Ohio

  23. Hi, Larry! This is Kelly from Lexington Comic Con. I am reaching out because the rep that was with you (I won’t say names, in order to try to keep some privacy) and I neglected to exchange contact information before the show was over. I know he was wanting to use me for future appearances in the surrounding areas/states. Please feel free to pass my email address on to him. It was great working with both you and Erik. Stay safe, and I hope to meet up again very soon.

  24. Good evening Mr.Wilcox my name is Matteo from Italy. I want to ask you if you’re available to do a streaming video conversation for my YouTube Channel that is call Filmusik Channel. In my Channel se can tali about cinema and music. Is It possible? Thanks

  25. Larry,

    It has been years ago but we met when I was a kid. You were in Colorado Springs at the National Little Britches Rodeo finals at Penrose Stadium. The local news station wanted to do a blurb to promote the LBR rodeo and the filmed my brother and myself with you in some sort of promotional commercial which I’ve never seen and not even sure if it ever aired. Anyway, fast forward 40+ years I am the mayor of a small community in Kansas. I’m trying to put together a day of recognition for my childhood heros and wondered if you would be interested in participating.

  26. Hello,
    My name is Sam Macbeath. I am program director and station manager for Kat Power Hit Radio based out of Hamilton Ontario and British Columbia as well. I am writing to you to see if it would be possible to book an interview with Mr Wilcox. If he is going to be doing interviews in regards to appearances or autograph signings etc. I would love to be added to the list as it would be an honor to have imr on my show. I can be reached at this email or 289-680-1365. Again I thank you very much for considering me for your media list and I look forward to working with you going forward take care and have a great day

  27. Arelis Marie Thorpe

    Good day Larry….I hope you had a great time during your 3 days stay in Canada…saw all the lovely pictures you took of the falls and I’m still in cloud 9 for having met both of you. Thanks again

  28. Hello Larry; Good day it was a pleasure meeting you on June 05, I am still in cloud 9, as you both are my favorite actors of all times….I am trying to put through the order for your song as well the ringtone, but I do not know if the amount noted is in US Dollars or Canadian Dollars. I thought I could have used my credit card to make the purchase but it does not give me that options. Please let me know ASAP as I have already put through my order# 2891……Arelis

  29. Would it be possible to purchase a signed photo of you in your Marine Corps uniform? I’ve seen a couple online, and as a former Marine myself, I’d like to get one of those. Thanks and Semper Fi.

  30. 8 wondered if I could get the two guys to visit the nursing home. I’m only 60 but the others watch you guys daily Larry Wilcox is my all-time fav

  31. hello Larry,
    We’ve been watching you on Youtube, that has all the original Lassie series, in Seasons 18 & 19, 1971-1973, where you starred as Dale Mitchell. We missed watching those 2 seasons when originally aired. You did an incredible job throughout both of those seasons as you had great chemistry with Lassie. You were the one who rescued Lassie mostly out of Fury Falls and carried Lassie to safety. Although your counterpart, Skip Burton was tremendous, also. I realize 50 years has gone by which seems like yesterday, great compliments to you and to Mr. Burton, too!

  32. Happy birthday, Mr. Wilcox! I hope you are having a fantastic day! Take care!

  33. Hello Mr. Wilcox
    My name is Jeff Melensky. My friend, Curt Sams and I present a Car Cruise here in our hometown of Middlesboro Kentucky called Cruisin’ the Crater. Curt and I do our very best to give our community a time of enjoyment away from everyday life. This year we would like to hold a benefit show and have proceeds go to those affected by the floods in Hazard Kentucky.
    The event will be held on September 17th. Please let me know if you would be available and if would be able to assist us with this great event.
    Thank you so much. God bless!

  34. Hi we have resurrected a Legendary motorcycle company and will be doing a big grand opening in the spring and would like to share it with Larry Wilcox and Erik Estrada us being a fan of the Chips TV show.

  35. Hi, Larry I have been a big fan of yours for years and have all 5 seasons of chips I would like to know if I can get a autograph photo of you for my photo collection please let me know have a great weekend. Can be sent to.Preston Ward 98 EAST CHICAGO ST APT B Coldwater Michigan 49036

  36. I was wondering EXACTLY HOW to register for an account? As I seek to buy photos due to being a fan of the chips tv series…can anyone kindly direct me??

  37. Hello, we come from Germany and have a Kawasaki Policy from 1981 which we are currently making roadworthy again. It would be a huge dream if I could send you a picture with my partner and our Kawasaki to get your autograph on it. My partner has been a huge fan of your series since he was a child, he built a bike into a Police bike as a child. We would have loved to have flown to your event on November 10th and 11th, unfortunately this is not possible for us at the moment. However, it would be great if we could somehow manage the signed picture. LG Franzi and Thomas from Thuringia

  38. Massimiliano Vitelli

    Hello, I’m an Italia journalist from Rome. I work for a National newspaper (Il Tempo), GQ, Vanity Fair…
    I’d like to interview you.
    Hope to get an answer, thank you in advance


  39. Hi there! I was wanting to purchase the “Send Larry an item to sign” listing but the link on that listing for the address is broken and goes to a “page not found” link. Is this still available? I am hoping to send in a Pez dispenser to get signed 🙂 Thank you!

  40. Hi, I just want to say what Chips means to me and my boys. I’m 50 now and I remember watching the show ( in Sheffield,Yorkshire,England) 5pm Saturday night.
    Now I have 2 boys of my own and we have a tradition of watching chips in the autumn on a Saturday at 5pm on dvd.
    My boys love the show. Nice to see a police show that kids can watch in a positive light.
    Thank you for the memories.

  41. I looking for Larry Trying Get hold of one actors he play While he play baker Trying get hold him see if he know my question or if he know how get hold Of Randi Oakes as actor of Bonnie Clark I saw video how she became cop on series after stealing Erika Estrada as Ponch his firebird

  42. Is their any chance Larry W can get on the series Yellowstone? I believe he can be a really good actor for this show or possibly make a similar series coming out of retirement. I look forward to seeing some instructional riding , driving and horse riding teaching videos for us old fans growing up with you and new fans that can benifet from knowledge and leave a lasting legacy while learning safe driving skills.

  43. Ok, strange question, but I’m sitting here watching V the complete series, and in episode 17 War of Illusions, and I could swear that Larry Wilcox was the helmeted trooper holding two parakeets who says, “, you want one? I’ve got 2..” and then they both take a little snack break lol.. Am I crazy? Was that him?! I immediately started snooping for confirmation and found nothing.

  44. What’s the bitrate of the mp3s that are sold here?

  45. Hi sue my name is Michael Wagner and I was wondering how we can work out a way to get Mr Wilcox to be part of a car show for the veterans Association of Bristol county in fall river mass can you contact me the event is in July this yr thank you

  46. Great meeting Larry at Pavilions today!

  47. Good morning
    I just purchased a photo from the shop and sent my personalization request to the 7m3insiders email address given, but it keeps returning it as non-deliverable. Please help with how to go forward with my order.
    Many thanks, Gary.

  48. Hi, I am John Dolusic. I have done the weather here at WTVA in Tupelo, Ms. for the last 33 years. Several months ago, I was given the opportunity to interview folks from the 50s through the 80s in television and movies. I have been lucky enough to interview several folks already. Such as Pat Boone and Keith “Little Ricky” Thibodeaux. I would like to know if you would want to do a Zoom interview too. My number is 662 687 0362. Thanks, John

  49. I’m the son of a Devil Dog, Leatherneck, Jar Head Marine who served in Vietnam. I just learned you were also one of the few who earned and has the honor to wear the title of Marine. Many Vietnam Vets feel hurt by the way they were treated on their return. I would like to say thank you for doing your job. Your main job was to make sure the Marine fighting next to you got home. You did that job because my father came home. You may have not known or fought next to him, but indirectly you made sure he got home. So from the son of Gunnery Sergeant Julian Terry Reid, I thank you for getting my Dad home.

  50. Dr. Harry J. Kantrovich

    Mr. Wilcox, I am a playwright and director and I am writing a play to honor our Vietnam Veterans. I just finished a play that I adapted from Tom Brokaw’s book “The Greatest Generation Speaks” in which he gave me the rights. That play honors our WW II veterans, and before our generation ages out, I need to write a play on the Vietnam veterans. I read an interview you did in 2012;
    “A 70’s Actor Looks Back on His Hardest and Proudest Role: Veteran”. I am collecting stories, reflections, letters from veterans and family members of something that impacted them. I would very much like to have one from you. I can go up to 4 single pages (as you know actors have to memorize). If you would like to send something, just send to the email I have listed. I am a retired Navy Master Chief Petty Officer. Thank you for your time and for your service.

  51. Mitchell “taco”bell

    Sorry Larry I did not see this contact area. I left a comment earlier on one of your advertisements. If somebody is able to, please ask him if he would be interested in a podcast with a fellow Marine I would be very honored to have him join me. I am in Iraq and Afghanistan veteran And participate in a lot of veteran related charities in the DFW area. My podcast is called tall tales with Taco Bell and I use streamyard for the interview. If this is something I can talk him into over a virtual cup of coffee to kill an hour and talk about his time in the Corps, I would be honored .
    Semper Fi Taco

  52. Larry –

    I’m a Marine Artilleryman. Would love to hear about some of your experiences in Vietnam. My father in law is a Marine Vietnam Vet as well. I’m a LtCol now but was enlisted for a few years before making the way to the dark side.

  53. Any chance Mr. Wilcox would come on a very small podcast hosted by a fellow Wyomingite?
    It’s called “Mornings on Horseback”

  54. Sorry to use this inbox to ask a question to Mr. Wilcox. I was wondering if he would be able to watch Ernie and Joe:Crisis Cops on HBO Max. My question is, how did you balance your personal and professional work life? People regard me as Ernie “Crisis Cop” and my Twitter inbox (@estevens0845) fills up with people asking for my assistance with those suffering with mental health diagnoses almost every day. I love helping but feel overwhelmed at times. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    Ernie Stevens

  55. Larry, thank you for your excellent action and acting skills and breathing life into your character. A great joy.

    You would be surprised that the number of my friends who, after watching CHiPs, were inspired to join the police force.

    Thanks for the great memories. Hope you guys can make it to Sydney Australia or I can make it Down Under one day. Much love to you and your family xx

  56. Hi Mr Wilcox
    My name is Nathanael Rains and I am a cowboy from Arizona. I wanted you to know you were my favorite actor on chips , you had class and style. As a matter of fact you were one of my favorite actors on any police show . Thanks for your time Nathanael.

  57. i just noticed you in the Rehab video. had to rewind and pause to see your name badge. thanks for the smiles plz make many more. peace

  58. Hello John, met ya here in San Antonio, TX at the convention at the Wonderland of the Americas. I was able to interview you (thank you for that) and we had talked briefly after. You did state you were in the process of building a town (cgi) for future films. Had told you I’d be interested in participating. As extra of course or help any way possible. Hope all is well and hope to hear from you soon.
    Mario sPidA Garay / 210-800-7252

  59. I am the president of Dalton Defenders Re-Enactment in Coffeyville, KS. Was wondering if you would be interested in coming on Saturday October 7th, 2023 for a meet and greet. Two years ago Josh Gates of Expedition Unknown on the Discovery channel came and did a documentary over us and the shootout. If you can send some information on what the requirements would be for you to come and hang out and see our show. Thank you for your time.

  60. Hi Sue,
    Requesting a remote interview with Larry for the TORONTO LEGENDS podcast…will cover his upbringing, career highlights, his memories of Toronto/Canada, and of course he can promote any current projects to all his Canadian fans.
    All 130 past episodes are in link below, including Paul Reiser, Andre Philippe Gagnon, Barry Avrich & Rudy Sarzo.
    Format is 1hr via zoom-equivalent platform, cameras ‘on’ for better conversation but only audio gets recorded.
    Pleased to accommodate Larry’s preferred date/time, or you/he can book directly into my podcast studio calendar here:
    Looking forward to it!
    Andrew Applebaum

  61. Hello, my name is Dr. Matthew Young with Fountain of Life Bible Church ( here in Johnson City Tenn. I wanted to see the possibility of bringing in Mr. Wilcox in next year for our annual car and Bike show next year Sat June 15th. We have brought in individuals such as Ted Nugent, Mickey Jones, DOG the Bounty Hunter and various country singers. We are nonprofit and we never charge for anything we do. If you could let us know the availability and how much to bring him in, it would be great. My email is flbc77@gmail.con, call/text 423-794-8142

  62. John Postlewait

    I knew Larry in the Marine Corps. We were in Artillery school at Camp Pendleton in the fall of 1967, IIRC. Would just like to say Hello and see if he remembers.
    My son is in L.A. working in the television industry and we get out to visit a couple times a year.
    Buy you a beer sometime.


  63. Gene Giuliani Jr

    Larry I would like to ask you a question were you every in an episode of MASH I saw you in an episode of Mash what episode was it and the year it was shown on the air

  64. Hi Sue-

    I met Larry in June at a police collectors show. I wanted to invite him to our Marine Corps Ball in November. He gave me his email, and I sent him one. I know he is slammed with requests, but we’d be honored to have him there. Thanks.


  65. Is Larry interested in producing and directing a film from script of a post
    Civil War drama of Southerners who lost their lands to a wealthy Northerner?
    If interested, will send details… thanks Harry

  66. Looking to contact Larry Wilcox regarding regarding a personal appearance at the 51st Annual Orange County Traffic Officer’s Association (OCTOA) Motor Rodeo and Skills Competition held at Huntington State Beach, Huntington Beach California, September 13, 2023. This event is a competition involving over 300 police motorcycle officers from All over Southern California, competing in skills patterns and head to head competition. We have had Robert Pine and Erik Estrada the past two years and would like to bring Larry in as a special guest star for this years event.

  67. Hello, I have a first responder podcast speaking of life, leadership, and legacy. It is called justifiably Proud Productions. I also have a YouTube channel. I am a huge fan of Larry and the show “Chips”. I was wondering if Larry would consider coming on a virtual interview to discuss his NPO. Thank you.

  68. Hi,

    I run Medway Pride Radio, a nonprofit community radio station in the UK.
    I was hope you would consider doing a pre recorded interview to talk about your career and yes of course Chips!

    Hope to hear from you.

  69. Hello!
    CHiPs was always my favorite show growing up. I was always a huge Larry Wilcox fan…even named by son Jon. I’ve read Erik’s book. I agree with you. He was clearly ill-advised and a hot-head. The idea that they thought the series rested on his laurels is preposterous. Season six was just awful…a mockery of what it had been. It should be obvious what made the show was the chemistry between Jon and Ponch. They made a great TEAM.
    Larry, if you would ever been interested in telling your side of the story, please let me know. I might be able to help you with that.

    God bless.

  70. Hello!
    CHiPs was always my favorite show growing up. I was always a huge Larry Wilcox fan…even named my son Jon. I’ve read Erik’s book. I agree with you. He was clearly ill-advised and a hot-head. The idea that they thought the series rested on his laurels is preposterous. Season six was just awful…a mockery of what it had been. It should be obvious what made the show was the chemistry between Jon and Ponch. They made a great TEAM.
    Larry, if you would ever been interested in telling your side of the story, please let me know. I might be able to help you with that.

    God bless.

  71. Larry
    Years ago I met you I’m my Gallery in Lahaina. You were showing your son the wood carved dragon. I really enjoyed our visit.
    Happy Birthday to you. Hope all is well with you and your family.

  72. Hi Mr. Wilcox, My name is Bill Dowling. I just saw a friend post a picture of you and Mr. Estrada from an event that you were at. Seeing you two brought back a lot of memories. As a kid, I watched Chips all the time. It propelled me into a successful 30 year Law Enforcement Career. I even served my time riding Police Motorcycles. Thank you for the inspiration! Now retired, but not really retired, after 40 years of motorcycle riding, I own an advanced motorcycle training school. I would love to find out if I could afford to have you as a guest at one of my events.

  73. Massimiliano Vitelli

    Hello, I’m Massimiliano Vitelli, journalist in Rome. I’d like so much to interview you. I Hope to get an answer from you.
    Thank you in advance!

  74. My grandmother used to rent to u in Arizona

  75. Massimiliano Vitelli

    Good morning I’m Massimiliano Vitelli journalist in Rome. I’d like so much to interview mr Wilcox for Il Tempo, italian National newspaper.
    Hope to get soon an answer from you.
    My email Is:

    Thank you

  76. Hi Larry,

    It was great to speak with you and show you some of the vintage aircraft at Canadian Warplane Heritage in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I hope you come back to fly in our DHC-1 Chipmunk trainer. Hopefully you will find your T38 Talon in the meantime. Thanks for your service to America as a Marine. Cheers, Brian Elliott from CWHM in Canada.

  77. Joseph D. Cucinotta

    Hi Larry,

    My uncle was in the 2/4 magnificent bastards , was in the corp for 22 years and retired in 1988 and settled in Temecula he was a DI after his Vietnamese service was also the range master at riverside. I just started watching all the old chips shows and appreciate them more now than when I was a little kid I’m 43 now. Do you and Erik ever do any shows in boston or travel to boston at all? Love to hear your stories

    Thanks for your time

    Joe Cucinotta

  78. Mr. Wilcox, I have two questions for you. First, how much motorcycle training did you receive before starting the series? Second, do you know where I can get the same make/model of the gloves you wore in the show? Thanks!


  79. please come on the show Larry- Watched you as a kid on chip’s

  80. Just want to say I enjoyed the show as a child and even now more as as adult as I am way older than my younger years of course and have a greater appreciation for understanding each and every episode with that storyline for each one. I appreciate you and Erik for being able to bring the cop comraderie to the screen. I have seen the interviews about the issues going on way back when but that has no bearing on who you both are now. The stories I have heard that you both are great friends warms the heart. Larry I just want to say thanks for what you have done , are doing and will do in the future!

  81. Celso Lima Campos

    Hi Larry,
    My name is Celso, I live in Brazil, I’ve been watching the series since I was a kid and I’m a fan, I’m 55 years old. Is the CHP emblem shirt available for sale? A big hug to you!!

  82. I wanted to say that I was so excited to meet Erik and Larry at Ultracon in West Palm Beach back in August. They are a great pair of guys. Hope to meet them again soon. Have a question. Is there any way to send something for Larry to autograph? I purchased his badge number wanted to see if Larry would sign it.

  83. Hello Mr WILCOX
    We hope our message finds you in good health and good spirits.

    We are the Highway Patrol Fédéral France tribute CHiPS and we are taking the liberty of contacting you today to express our admiration and passion for the CHiPs series over the past 45 years.

    Highway Patrol Federal France is a club (located in the Pays de Loire region of France) of enthusiasts of American police motorcycles, cars and culture, especially inspired by the famous TV series of the 70s and 80s.

    Our mission is to promote the values of friendship, solidarity, happiness and support through our events and actions.

    We’d be proud if you’d agree to sponsor our club – France to the delight of fans of the series.

    We look forward to hearing from you and discussing the matter with you. Please accept, Mr ESTRADA, our warmest regards.

    All the best

    Enki Crows

  84. Hello.

    I have a question.
    I ordered the “7M3” hat two months ago (08/11).
    Unfortunately it hasn’t been delivered to me yet.

    Greetings from Munich

    Michael Pooch

  85. HI Larr my name is David Chernega i am from orlando fl I JUST LOVE CHIPS i just disvoed the show this past summer when i was going some of my old newspapers that had bought from ebay. I REALLY REALLY WOULD LOVE TO MEET YOU SOME DAY. it cool that you were bron the same year as my dad was and he sviied in the service just like YOU and my mom and dad got got maried in 1980 same year as your did. any i juist love wacthing you as jon baker and waching you on munder she worte chips 99 was GREAT TOO. and im also like erk estrada as well i heard that you best sweetest and kind guy and i blevile it BEACUSE OLNY YOU are THE JON BAKER

    i really hope we can meet someday i am on facebook and twitter too

    David your newsest fan from Orlando FL

  86. HI Larry my name is David C im from Orlando FL and im a BIG fan OF you & chips i would LOVE to meet you some day 🙂 and soon i hope i have a 40th birthday comming up in march hope to meet you soon


  87. Hi! I just wanted to let everyone know that yesterday, Friday october 27 2023 was the 25th anniversary of the “CHiPs-99” Movie Premiere on TNT!

  88. Larry,
    It was a great pleasure meeting you at the Thriller Theater Saturday. I want to thank you again for coming outside to sign my motorcycle. You are a true gentleman and I will remember my experience for ever.

    Eric Mendelowitz

  89. Hello, I will be attending the Texas Autograph Show next year in Houston, and I am planning on getting an autograph from both Mr. Wilcox and Mr. Estrada at the show. Is it possible to purchase one of the 7M3 helmets from this site without Mr. Wilcox’s signature on it with the intent on getting it signed in person from both of them at this autograph show? Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

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