This past frenzied week as I continued my sprint on the economic treadmill, I called a television production company and pitched my projects for television. After breaking the ice the producer and owner of the company said we had a like friend from the past. I quickly responded with “and who is that?” He said Chip Hand. I thought back and said “oh yeah, Chip Hand, he worked with me as a co producer on projects we ran around the world buying and optioning movies-how is Chip these days?” I keep meaning to check in with Chip and just keep getting distracted with my priorities. I have this habit of telling my mind….tomorrow.
The TV producer responded, “Chip died a few years back.” I said “What??” He responded, “Chip committed suicide.”
The phone went dead and then was littered with mutterings and discordant sounds of confusion searching for balance in a world of unmeaning and finite abandonment. Where is the corner post as my outreached arms flailed and my hands grabbed at the inanimate air?
Chip Hand was this kind of angel put on this earth who was a gardener for us, for the weeds who wanted to become flowers in the garden of life. Chip seemed to understand the depth of modeling a rich and productive life. He seemed like the virtuoso on so many levels and his presence had a deep impact on my life. However, once again, my feverish attention to my manic work schedule to perpetuate and nurture my embedded denial, had showed me the credits as they rolled again blazing in my conscious the finality of the title, THE END.
I have always been a late bloomer in life and even in my late 20s I think I had the maturity of a reckless teenager lacking so many parts of my framing “architecture”. I was missing so many parts but I sprinted forward with moxie and reckless abandon. There have been many times in my life that I have questioned my brain and its warp speed. Often it seems to race forward with enormous amounts of information but it speeds by the outstretched hands of people and continues to do so repeatedly until the credits roll again and my tardy core weeps. At times I feel like my brain is or sprints in some other dimension, and my soul and the other empty cans and ornaments are tied to the bumper.
Yesterday I had a 2-hour meeting and the parties were blown away with the information I shared with them. Often people will say wow, I feel like I have put my mouth on a fire hydrant full of information, and how did you learn all of this Larry. On the other hand, the people I love in my life, they seem to not quite touch the soul of the person they so want and need and they never get to frolic in the life game of heart-tag. Heart-tag is why we are here and I have missed so many touch points.
Chip Hand was put in my life for a reason, and he subtly architected some of my “corners and cross members”. My late attorney and business manager, Martin Leeds, had recommended that while I was doing the television series CHiPs (ironically) that I branch out and create other revenue centers and assets on my so-called balance sheet of life. Learning the basics of your own financial balance sheet of assets and liabilities and how to structure real assets is an elementary key to success.
Martin Leeds and others were like a father to me. They saw this kid who just wanted to learn something every day, and who had a work ethic like none they had seen. They knew I was driven, but what they did not know was how sandy my foundation was and how important they were in my reactive life. My life skills were missing and I was a young hormonal male proud of emotion instead of logic and was thrown into the world thinking I was clothed and yet I was so very naked. There is something to be said for passionate ignorance.
One of Martin’s ideas was to create a production company and the other was to start my singing career. My agent, David Shapira and Martin Leeds became good friends and they both were impressed that I had studied music and played some piano and guitar and had studied classical music at the Beverly Hills Music Academy. Sometimes a line like that reads well for public relations but if anyone ever drills down, they will discover that studying music in Larry Wilcox’s case is very shallow, and meant very little, yet it was leveraged in the circles called media. Leveraging smoke and mirrors can be encumbering. It is funny how a press release can add one line to your biography and it sounds like you, Bach, and Beethoven studied together in Paris. The art of suggestion in marketing creates subjective tributaries for thought and presumption as we authors’ scamper away rollicking in indulgent and tickling glee. Innuendo you say?
Chip Hand was involved in many aspects of life and was also a very good voice coach for singers in Beverly Hills. He lived in a small home near the famous restaurant row, La Cienega Boulevard. Chip was chronologically a few years younger than I was but in many ways a decade more mature. When I met Chip I remember thinking that he was an extremely handsome young man who really looked like a movie star. He had girls coming and going when I met him, and these were all singing students. I often wondered what else he taught them as my immature hormonal imagination rendered images. Chip was extremely sensitive and could seem to look into one’s conscious and read emotions. He would talk about those emotions and how to relax and sing from your core and not from a manufactured sound. Relaxation was the triggering key and I was tightly wound so relaxation did not come easy for me. People always think I am easy going and relaxed but my mind seems to be going at warp speed most of the day.
As a funny aside, I will momentarily digress regarding warp speed. One day three of us decided to go and interview this UCLA professor lady at her home in Malibu. She discussed the layers of energy that emit from your chakra points on your body. She had done lots of research on this in quiet dark rooms with students and patients and had amazing results and so called empirical proof of energy waves. She kindly invited these three vibrant young men into her “studio” which had some Navajo blankets and some oblique art, simple tile floors and one massage table. She asked each one of us to lay ourselves on our backs, close our ideas and relax. Each of us took our turn and then she would suspend a crystal cut stone over various chakras on our body tied to a thin nylon string like a fishing filament. Each person seemed to make the crystal suspended by a long thread, spin and have some motion created by what she said was the energy coming from your chakra. My two buddies had the crystal spinning a little when the crystal was near their gonads. We all laughed as she suggested my buddies had some strong sexual drive issues.
When she placed the crystal over me, I closed my eyes and relaxed to her hushed environmental music she had playing which was a little hypnotic. Then I heard her gasp and utter,”Oh my goodness!” My buddies started laughing in the background, and she said, “My goodness, that is some energy!” The crystal was spinning very fast as it was over my brain. She said, “you are truly a mover and shaker….that is an enormous amount of energy coming from your brain and I mean enormous. Moxie might be an understatement.” she said.
I do not like the pomposity of the term mover and shaker so I simply said OK, and quietly and humbly exited wondering if this was all more southern California hocus- pocus with a label. I have no idea what this energy crystal meant if anything but I do know that my brain can approach redline quickly and I can be construed as a bull in the china closet. I think I have learned to curb that or veil it, and if I have done that to any of you, I am truly sorry! Slow people drive me nuts at times as my brain wants to scream, please synapse! The threshold of speed is often reflected in the culture or community and as I travel from state to state I am surprised at the consistency.
Chip Hand was a victim of Larry’s warp speed brain because often one, who sprints, is moving forward to tomorrow and not thinking about today. How does one think about today when my today is almost always yesterday? Chip taught me exercises for my voice for a year or so and we eventually picked a Carol Bayer Sager song (famous song writer) that he picked out and we recorded the song. Chip was the producer and going to the studio was an interesting evolution. After we finally finished the various recording sessions and mixed the songs, we then went to Wolfman Jack’s old manager and marketer. He began testing the record on various radio stations and talking to rack-jobbers to place the record in retail. Martin Leeds, my business manager recommended that I form my own record label to get more revenue from the asset instead of simply being the recording artist. So I named my record company after my family ranch in Saratoga Wyoming, and called it Flying Diamond Records. The old ranch in Wyoming was the Flying Diamond Ranch. At one time I even called the branding inspector and bought the brand which I subsequently allowed the brand to expire. Once again, I should not have allowed this to expire but running fast and shallow creates this same result, time after time. The trite saying a Jack of all trades a master of none does often haunt my conscious. The record tested very well and I began doing radio interviews with disc jockeys across the United States, some of whom were polite and others who treated me like some newcomer inviting myself to their dinner table. The disc jockey’s reaction to me seemed veiled and bi polar, full of love and disdain in one fell swoop. The gentleman who was handling my record told me I had a hit on my hands and that I needed to gear up and start doing personal appearances and shows. Oh did that frighten me! I knew my song was double mixed and reverb was added for effect. Next, I was asked to sing the song on the Bob Hope Christmas Special and I knew the snowball was gaining speed and I was losing control.
I had been rehearsing some songs in my motor home on the CHIPS set and Shelly Levine, the wardrobe man, used to come in and say how much he liked my music which in retrospect probably fed my ego which helped to dampen my fears. I was thinking back in the day singing with my old friends like Jimmy Brubaker, Terry Lehti, and Steve Paul strumming our guitars and singing in harmony. I mean is this singing thing what you really want? LOL, I was going to be a singing star my young un-nurtured soul yelled. When I arrived at NBC I went to the green room for the actors and over the speaker system they were playing my song, Me and My Love. Chip Hand was there and so was Martin Leeds and David Shapira and a slew of other people.
I ran into Erik Estrada and he seemed “oblivious” to why I was there in my tuxedo so I did not bring up the song I was about to sing and I found this whole exchange or non-exchange as it were, rather odd but sped forward with positive thoughts. Erik and I did a simple scene with Bob Hope and later I was to sing. Finally late in the evening it was time for me to sing my song and we rehearsed for the various cameras. I wore my tux and was not comfortable at all being a performer which is much different than being an actor. So, I sat on a stool, and sang my song, to quell my lack of entertaining “chops” as they say. Linda Hope, Bob Hope’s daughter was the producer and we had negotiated a deal where we had the right to review the filmed singing sequence and the right to edit it ourselves and to accept or deny the singing scene. I did the song about two or three times and Linda Hope yelled, “That is a wrap.”
I was flabbergasted because we were not done with how we wanted to produce it. Everyone began leaving and the lights dimmed. We complained and eventually exited NBC in Burbank. A few days later I got the tape of the show and looked at my singing which was a lip synch to the song playing in the background, which I had never done before. The cuts were atrocious and it was not in synch in any form and almost looked like a comedy or a parody on some dumb TV star who thought he was now a singer.
I pulled the song from the show and my posturing really angered the Hope family. Later I ran into Bob Hope and he would not even talk to me, so I surmised, it was because I had “snubbed” him by pulling my song from his show. I decided that day; I would not be a singer and entertainer. My attorney and agent were upset but I knew I was entering an arena that I should not enter and I was close to making a complete ass of myself. Talk about the Peter Principle! I moved on in life and told Chip thank you and no thank you. You only have to hear Chip Hand sing once to remind you what a real melodic voice sounds like, what vibrato is and what range is supposed to be with a vocal muscle that is in shape. I should stay singing in the shower or at home on and off key.
Chip entered my life again later on and sang at my wedding and he was spectacular. His voice was truly amazing and he was the entire package and I always thought he should have been an amazing star. He just did not seem to be impressed with all of his talents and I sensed something missing in Chip. He seemed to still hurt from a lost love. I remember he used to talk about his girlfriend who was Pat Boone’s daughter and how she broke his heart. I always wondered why Chip did not have an entourage of 4 or 5 girls with him. Chip was always the consummate gentleman, kind, and articulate and presented himself very well.
Later Chip Hand approached me and wanted to know if he could work for me in my film and television production company. He brought me my first project which was The Dorothy Stratten Story, the Death of a Playmate. Typical of Chip, while others were sleeping we were making deals to beat them at their own race. We had midnight negotiations with the investigator and finally beat NBC, MGM and Hugh Hefner and optioned the product at midnight. Hefner and NBC were flabbergasted when they woke up to see we already had the deal done.
We then produced that movie and began my production company, Wilcox Productions. Chip would come to my little dungeon office in the basement of MGM with my shingle hanging and he would pitch me projects. He brought me in an article in the Chicago Tribune about Walter Polavchek, a young Russian boy who wanted to stay in America and not go back to Russia. It was a headline story and had lots of controversy with the cold war and such issues. I said I was interested but I really had no idea how to consummate a deal of this nature. Chip said, “come on, we will fly to Chicago tomorrow, and we will meet with the journalist, the attorney, Walter’s relative and find someone to get the rights.” I said, “Well how are we going to beat Time Magazine, because they have already written an article?” Chip responded, “We will find someone to get the rights from and we just have to be there in front of all the parties.”
I reluctantly said OK, and the next thing I know is Chip and I are in a limousine meeting the attorney for Water Polavchek in downtown Chicago. Chip had the entire itinerary in place and meetings scheduled. We met with 3 or 4 parties and after each meeting he and I would excitedly dictate a letter, go to a secretarial service (no computers then and no fax) and within an hour of our meeting we had reiterated our interest and deal points on letterhead and we would hand deliver the letter with a messenger. We thought we were so impressive to be Johnny- on- the -spot and we actually impressed a lot of people. Of course, since I was the TV star of those days, I got most of the applause but it was really Chip who arranged and did most of it for me as the Vice President in charge of Development.
Next, Chip told me of an author named P.D. James in London and we needed to fly to London to meet her. He had found a project that she would be perfect for and she was a famous novelist. I was of course, the weed, being mentored by Chip who was politely teaching me how to be proactive and to lead instead of following. The next day or so Chip and I flew to London and I took my wife with me. During the night at 11 pm or so, Chip, being sensitive not to call me and interrupt me, would slide notes under my suite door. This project he wanted to acquire was based upon the famous story called the Yorkshire Ripper. He had arranged for interviews with the Yorkshire Constabulary and we were going to option the project. I would scribble my notes on his notes in red and then put them under his room door. In retrospect, I think my notes were not about the story or his writing. My notes were probably making sure he knew I was in charge which was my immature reaction and representative of my lack of maturity.
These are the rungs in the ladder of evolution you try to teach your offspring so they will not perpetuate the same malaise. When I saw Chip the next day, I said, did you get my very extensive notes and he responded with a reserved yes. I sensed his reservation and asked him what was wrong and he said that I made a bunch of grammar and non substantive changes and the creative writing is not about the limits of grammar. We politely debated the issues however, I realized that he was being sensitive to me and he was graciously extending a mirror. The sensitivity, the time, the place to assist someone to the next rung on the ladder is what parenting is all about, isn’t it? Obviously the real issue was not my input and critique of his writing but it was a reflection and transference of my own lack of identity.
We talked more about life and goals later and I asked him what he did last night as I was dining with my wife thinking about my daughter Wendy and her birth one day. He said he had been depressed and just did some thinking on the bridge over the Thames. He seemed distant and removed. I remember I ignored that statement, and thought maybe tomorrow I would ask him about that Thames River introspection, but today the visual reflection seems so very lonely and telling. I was not sure how to engage other than my traditional forward momentum in finding solutions to life by working on tomorrow. People would say that Chip and I were like two turbo charged producers and we could create a 24-hour frenzy with quick results. I was proud of this frenzy and of course we optioned the Yorkshire piece and returned to Los Angeles where I sold it to a major studio, MGM. My strengths began to evolve in pitching and deal making.
As my education grew I began to appreciate logic versus emotion. Being proud of the wrong things in one’s life is so symptomatic and so reflective. As a young boy I remember my Mom saying I had a hair trigger temper. I thought that was a compliment, later to learn that is not socially acceptable. Definitely the power tools in life misconstrued as ornaments are simply parasitic drag. Discernment becomes a fascinating tool for people to utilize in a positive fashion. The passionate ignorance that I have carried often into a room rewarded me instead of educating me. Chip Hand was one constant subtle, educational experience.
Discernment has always been too slow for my high rpm mind and it proved recently to be catastrophic. Sometimes my wife will listen to me and say didn’t you hear him say X and Y. And I look at her in bewilderment and say….NOPE. I really did not hear that or pick up on it and of course ignorance is not a plea as I know so well. As a result of my own lack of discernment, often I will discuss meetings with my children or a dinner that our family attends and ask them if they recognized certain things. We will discuss our choices in expression and provoke inner analysis if you will. Perhaps they might want to express themselves differently under these or those circumstances and did they think or see the triggers. I want them to recognize the signals and triggers in life and not become simply Mr. On- The- Job -Trainee. Learning curve can be such baggage and it is our obligation as parents to accelerate learning curve on so many levels. This kind of wise nurturing takes many quiet exchanges. That is why I love that country song about the Dad taking his daughter FISHING and she thinks that is what they are doing, simply FISHING. He knows how special that exchange is during that special quiet time and he knows what a BASE he has put on her foundation.
Chip brought me another movie deal, The Wolfman Jack Story and we did a similar aggressive deal on that project. We practiced and rehearsed pitching it and I went with my agents and pitched the movie idea to the head of Columbia Studios. I played Wolfman Jack howling, and I played the southern preachers selling goods on the radio with the music blaring in the background. The Columbia Executive loved the pitch and laughed and slapped and said let’s make a deal. I just kept pitching as I enjoyed the performance more than he did. He finally told me to stop and said, ”Larry, stop, I love it, we will make a deal tomorrow…..I do not need any more of the pitch…I am sold.”
Listening and recognizing triggers was not my youthful forte coming from the plains of Wyoming and in those days you may have needed a baseball bat to stop me. I remember once in an acting class the instructor said that some young actors enjoy doing an angry scene with raw anger as they enjoy the emotion. He said the subtly of how one displays the suppressed anger is so much more interesting and triggers deep emotion laced with logic. Removing the cathartic experience of emotion is a positive section of healthy evolution. Civil debate and provocative discourse were not part of my childhood and I sure enjoyed it as an adult.
After I left the show CHIPS at MGM Studios and NBC I kind of shut down my production company. That was a mistake. On my own, I quickly optioned some other projects and due to the aggressive and polite style of Chip Hand I now had some basic aggressive acquisition skills, a ton of tenacity, and I bought the Waco cult story, and made a deal. I then bought the rights to the movie FLIPPER and made a deal with Universal. I helped my attorneys write the contract with lots of protective language which I am proud of because it later saved me the FLIPPER deal. I continued making acquisitions with other projects like Celebrity Rodeo for ESPN. I hired a development guy named Mark Massari and he helped me to develop The Ray Bradbury Theater for HBO. I became a good negotiator and deal maker.
I then started a clothing line and I lost track of Chip Hand and as I raced to tomorrow and the years piled up. I heard Chip got married and I often wondered what beautiful and smart young woman won over Chip as she must have been a quality lady because he was definitely a quality person. I would so like to meet her now and talk with her and to meet Chip’s extended family. I am so famished to know who and what Chip was like. He loved to learn and he was always growing on so many levels. I love to learn and we had so many exciting projects to learn about. We would often discuss words and the Latin roots that he enjoyed studying at UCLA. He was indirectly a fine model for my life and without knowing it; Chip re-architected a lot of my being. Often, leadership and mentoring models are presented to us in our lives and the subtly warrants acknowledgement. As I take the slow time to reflect on those mentors and life models, I humbly recognize that I was a guest on God’s train, even though I probably thought people were a guest on “my train”…..…..or caboose as it were.
Chip Hand was a fine young man. His father worked with Lyndon B. Johnson and is a highly respected attorney in Washington D.C. I never got the opportunity to meet Chip’s father, mother, or family and I found that a bit curious after spending so much time with him. When I would ask him about his family it seemed to me that he did not want me to enter that arena so I politely demurred. Once in a while his brother would show up and I asked if they were close. He said no, and told me that his brother had some mental problems and I could tell I should not intrude. Once again I met mystery with Chip. His lack of sharing this info seemed to create confusing intrigue but I would back away. One naïve theory of mine was since Chip was the son of a famous father he was searching for his own identity and he wanted to succeed on his own. That is just a guess as I have no clue. I remember asking him if he had a good childhood and he would hesitate and ponder and say yes without conviction. Then he would tell me something warm and fuzzy about his Texas youth and then his father going away on business. It was always, bizarre and a degree or two from being mentally tangible, and then it would be whisked away.
When I found out this week that my good friend had committed suicide, I wept. I wept because maybe I had not slowed down enough in this whirlwind life of mine to check on Chip and to make sure he knew he had a friend. At times I felt like I could define Chip and at times he seemed to be an oblique shell of illusion and reality mixed. I felt bad that he had given me so much in my life and directly and indirectly had graciously shared so much of his wisdom and intellect with me, the Wyoming Weed filled with passionate naiveté.
On this day, Chip is gone and I did not even know about his funeral. I researched him on Google and found a short paragraph which said very little and created more craving for my searching soul. I went through page after page to find some meaning, some explanation, some real background and some Latin roots that would make sense but instead read the cold paragraph of birth, death, and survivors. I was surprised to see only sisters and no mention of his brother. I wonder if Chip even had a brother. More mystery, creating more famine.
I then researched his wife and his parents and stopped to wonder whether it would be rude for me to call and ask about the passing of Chip Hand. How could I call them and prickle such a tender and soulful wound. How could I do this? I wanted to share the wonderful contributions Chip had given this Wyoming boy. I wanted his family to know how gracious and giving Chip was and what a great intellect and mind he had as a young man. I had thought of Chip in my past from time to time but it was always with a semi colon next to that encumbering word, tomorrow.
Finally I decided to call Chip’s father Lloyd Hand. I called his legal office in Washington D.C. and reached his secretary who informed me that Ambassador Hand was out to meetings but she would pass on my message. His father must be in his 80s now and I was impressed that he was still doing meetings in high powered city. Low and behold, my phone rings and the caller I.D. is the legal firm. I answer it with trepidation and his father thanks me for reaching out and tells me how wonderfully Chip always talked about me, our productions and experiences getting deals. He told me that Chip had long suffered from depression and was bi-polar. Chip had battled this for most of his life and my eyes got teary. I questioned again my warp speed and wondered about my own dimension. I sensed when I was with Chip something was askew but I could not put my finger on it and so blocked it out and continued forward. Sometimes the look of his eyes, the pupils, sometimes his distant stare, sometimes his nuance were just….confusing. I thought back on our conversations searching for hints and triggers.
I remembered him talking about a UCLA Psychiatrist once that he was seeing but I quickly discounted that with….oh well, maybe he has some personal issue and that is none of my business. Perhaps, tomorrow I will ask him about it and see if I can help. Mr. Hand, Chip’s father, told me that Chip wrote his family a very lucid and articulate letter of why he was taking his life. Mr. Hand also said that he has a collection of Chips songs that he listens to daily in his car and at home on a CD and he would send me a copy of that CD. He told me his favorite song and he knew that Chip’s spirit was with him daily. He loved hearing Chips voice each day even though he is gone. I thought of TOMORROW and cried.
I hope you all do not wait till TOMORROW to help someone, to hug someone, to love your family members. Mental disorders are so misdiagnosed and so mistreated often. To this day, bi-polar symptoms are often misread, and the compartmentalization of LABELS are so encumbering and conflicting. They knew very little about bi-polar personalities in those days and are still having problems diagnosing it especially in youth. The other day on CNN they talked about having the government doing psychological background checks and to have any “disorders” on file. I shudder to think of another Scarlet Letter that we will give the government authority for designation.
Chip Hand’s passing has reminded me again, I have so many tomorrows to make up in my life. Now, I will quietly weep alone and make a few calls TODAY to simply say I love you. Thank you for TODAY. Thank you so very much Chip Hand (1954-2009). What a gift in so many ways you were to society and mankind. What a GIFT! I sincerely hope that Chip found and enjoyed some reciprocity while here. My confusion with respect to Chip and his life remains, confused and curious. Ray Bradbury used to haunt me with short stories with no ending. Chip seemed like an island in a society. I wonder who and what Chip Hand was and who touched him in his life. I wonder if he had holidays with family or did he stay alone with his so called mental illness. Was he hidden, or was he shared? Was he defined or was he illusion. I shall once again, place an exclamation mark at the end of Chip Hand, and this time, this grammar insertion is not transference but sadly finite.
May you all enjoy the varied Valentines surrounding you, and slow down on this two way street called life. May you blossom into the flower that you are and may you be the gardener for someone. Use your auditory, visual and kinesthetic senses to appreciate and understand your friends and loved ones. Remember when you pitch or talk that you should be discerning! Oh, has discernment been a long encumbering learning curve. The hues, strokes, layers and subtleties of the canvass are to be appreciated and shared with your children. Parenting, you say? Flowers and Gardeners……
Larry Wilcox,
Im so sorry for your loss larry xxx… Im sure Chip is looking down on you and smiling…. your awesome…..
love the new column Cheers from australia…. #1 Aussie Fan… ~Di
Thank you Diane!
yvw larry…..
ty for replying, you made my day!!!! Cheers Di :o}
Larry, how are things? Its been years. Hope all is well with you and yours. I have 8 children now. 6 boys 2 girls. Would love to have lunch one day.
Wow Matt….I would love to have lunch.
Beautifully written Mr. Wilcox. R.I.P. Chip Hand, you sounded like one heck of a guy.
Thank you Eric
Mr. Wilcox;
Thank you once again for sharing with us such private and emotional events in your life. You truly honour your fans when you bear your soul and let us peer for a brief moment through the window that you provide. I admire how you use your experiences to try to teach others (including myself) to try to better ourselves and to not take things and ourselves too seriously. I know that you are facing hard times in your life right now and wish you to know that I send nothing but healing thoughts and wishes for you and your family. Meeting and spending some quiet with you and hearing your reflections of the event and the people will stay with me. Thank you!
Yours in friendship and photography,
Soon I will share MY Story and perhaps it will show the light of truth and how you can naively be in a rip tide and think you are doing the right stroke to the beach…..which is not there! Thanks Denica….head down and plowing forward.
Once again, Larry a great article. Always making me think. I am sure Chip knew how much he meant to you. When a friend of my then 12 year-old brother had committed suicide, my mother hugged us and told us that we may not always outwardly show each other or tell each other about our love but we know how much we each mean to each other. My mother wasn’t raised as a person to show her love with hugs, but with actions and how she treated us and gave each of us her undivided attention even when she was being pulled in a dozen different directions. My father, on the other hand was the one that was a hugger and showed us how much he loved us, but was not so big on words and shy about certain things. He is gone now and I miss him every day but I know how much he loved me. I am sure your family and loved ones know how much they mean to you but it is always nice for them to hear. I can’t tell you to slow down, but please stop to smell the roses from time to time. A little bit of interest for you, Dorothy Stratten grew up about 15 minutes away from where I grew up. She grew up in Coquitlam, BC and I grew up in Port Coquitlam, BC. We were neighbouring cities about 20 minutes outside of Vancouver.
Shana, thank you for sharing your sensitive insights. I had written a much different story about Dorothy Stratten than was produced and I knew the story personally through experience. It was a very sad story. Anyway, thanks so much for your comments
Larry here is additional information on Chip Hand. He was studying for his MFA at the time of his death.
Thank you
Sensitively and beautifully written. I am positive Chip knew how much he meant to you and that he felt the same about you. He is free of his pain now and smiling down on you.
Thank you for being such a master Gardener-you have nurtured many beautiful flowers and even a few weeds like me.
You truly are HIS groundskeeper! God Bless….
Miss Steinbeck
Well thanks to John Steinbeck and Miss Steinbeck…..LOL.
ere mi idol
larry wilcox
Thank You once again for sharing such deep and emotional thoughts with us. You are able to use your life’s experiences to teach us all…
Steve Young
Ret. CHP
Ciao, thank you
I always enjoy your columns, Larry. And this one is no different. I appreciate the time and thought you put into each one. I’m a high school teacher and Chip reminds me of some of my former students. Thank you for your words.
/Tate, Thank you for teaching….one of the fields I have always wished I had done.
Hello Larry I am so sorry to hear about your friend Chip
I’m sure that U Enjoyed working with him too
I’ve been a BIG fan of yours ever since the Chips tv show and U did a gReat job in your Chips99 Movie too
Larry I was Wondering HOW U went from Being an Officer on Chips to being a Captain in chips99??
the magic of television..and scripts
I wish I had a logical answer but it was simply the Magic of Hollywood. They told me that I was now in a car and I told them if I was not on the motorcycle, I would not do the show. I suppose they had to change something so they made me the Captain.
Hi Larry, was so sorry to read of the passing of your dear friend. It was so refreshing to read of your fond memories, those can not be taken away. I am a follower of your facebook page and was so intrigued to read your actual words, i clicked the link the minute Sue posted it, and i cried with you my friend. I wish you the best of luck in every one of your future projects, health and happiness always! You could always manage to put a smile on my face once a week, even in my darkest moments. I do come to your live chat but always seem to miss you. I very much enjoy chatting with Sue though, great choice to help you out, very personable and caring of your friends. well, i wish you nothing but the best and wanted to express my sincerest condolences and also thank you for the smiles and laughs over the years, looking forward to many, many more. God Bless you and yours my friend!
Thank you Bridgette and my YOU have many happy years ahead and may we remain friends! Gratefully, Larry
I’m so sorry for your loss. I understand mental illness somewhat. My late husband suffered from depression, alcoholism & was possibly bipolar-he never went to a doctor, so, I never knew.
In Chips case, he sounds like he was a wonderful friend & person. I’m sure he’s smiling down on you & is very proud of all you’ve done & continue to do!
All be best,
Thank you Sue for indulging my writing and sharing the growth that Chip and I had as young men. Larry
You’re welcome Larry. I always enjoy your column. You’re an amazing writer. You have a way of making me see outside the box.
All the best,
p.s. hope to chat w/u soon in CHiPS chat room:)
So sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thank you for reading Chris.
What a touching story, I am very sad for your huge loss. Very interesting history.
It was an interesting and intriguing journey for sure. Larry
I’m sorry to hear about the koss of your friend. I have a friend that is bipolar/ schizophrenia. I don’t know nothing about these mental diseases. Maybe you could help me out with the bipolar part.of it. Thanks for any help you can give me. Patricia
Bi Polar disorder is complicated and I have learned most of my psychology from joining groups in these areas on LinkedIn. My favorite group is PARENTING 2.0 and they have lots of sub groups on all the mental obstacles we all engage in life on one level or another. Good Luck….Larry
Thanks for the info.
Thanks for sharing such a touching moment in your life. So sorry to hear about such a great guy who helped mold you in so many ways. It is so hard to remember everyone who has had an impact on your life as you get older. For each tomorrow seems further away. You have done so much for so many people also. For that I am grateful. What a wonderful passion you have for life. .
I love life and mankind. Larry
You are 100% correct about putting off for tomorrow what must be done today. It always seems to be the most vibrant and strong people who surprisingly take their lives too. It just doesn’t make sense. We had family friends who were very close to us. We did everything together. We were inseparable! All of a sudden, they stopped calling. No reason, just cut us off. Then, a member of our family passed and they broke the cold silence and wanted us to rekindle our friendship. Well, we were too proud and still grieving, and did not accept that olive branch. A month later, her husband committed suicide. A young man. Still in his 40’s. We regret that we didn’t accept that olive branch the moment it was extended . . .
Chris….your story and your regret are testimony to you accepting the olive branch….the olive branch of GROWTH
A very touching storey about a friend, I am very sorry that you lost such a wonderful person. Chip sounds like a person who could keep you chasing him for his wonderful spirit and life. I am a very big Fan.
Thank you Helen
Thanks Larry for sharing this, I know sharing this very personal memory could not be easy for you. Celebrate Chris for the person he was and not the loss. The sadness really would be if he never touched your life
Yes Laurie…he surely was an influence in my life…..a great person.
Sorry for your loss. I can tell he was amazing. God bless.
Big fan,
Hi Larry, thank you for sharing your story and about your wonderful friend Chip. I know personally it helps to have a good friend that you can lean on. I think I can almost relate with you and your friend Chip. I have in recent months have been diagnosed with depression and I thought I always had control of my life. Last year I was diagnosed with some illnesses that I want to keep to myself for now but I have turned around and blamed myself for what has happened to me. I feel like I have let down my friends my co-workers and so much more my girls. I had dreamed of working the next 18 years or so and taking care of my girls like I should be doing. I should be helping them with their schooling and other needs but I can’t. I feel as though I have lost everything, my respect my purpose sometimes for being here. I cry a lot and I keep wondering what did I do to deserve this kind of life. My oldest daughter helped me to come see you and the rest of the cast last year and was such a huge highlight of my crummy life. I have met some wonderful friends through the 7m3 club. If it wasn’t for them who knows sometimes. My doctors have me on meds but I feel some days are just not worth it. So I thank you for sharing your story and I keep hoping that it is worth it to keep pushing on. Thank you for being who you are and being “Jon Baker”. I watch you all the time…your fan Lorraine
Oh my Dear Lorraine. YOU have to take control of your car and drive it. What I mean is depression is a weird and onerous problem and it can overtake your life. It is so hard to do anything at times. I would recommend maybe changing meds or talking to various support groups and group conseling. You must not let yourself down nor your girls. Univ of Pa recently discovered some really neat vaccines for Cancer and they will change the world. Other illnesses are being helped and solutions are being discovered. Please CONTROL your thoughts and do not allow your THOUGHTS to control you. You can say NO to a THOUGHT and it cannot say NO to YOU. Also, if you could exercise a little and be exposed to goodness, bright colors, music, nature and appreciate it. Sometimes I go to Church alone and enjoy that private time by myself in listening to the music and seeing the various colors and people. I do not necessarily want to talk with them but I enjoy the sights and hearing the music and prayers and the kindeness of the Event, if you will. Find ways to be KIND to your spirit and soul….FIND ways to see the Love from your girls and their eyes. FIND ways to enjoy first seconds and later minutes and hours and days. We all LOVE you…WE all love mankind…and life is surely tough for us all. My very own story has not been told but it has been very painful and wrong. However, I must move forward and find the beauty in our lifecycle. Please find your beauty. Larry and the Chips crew….
Thank you Larry its awesome for you to talk to me about this. I have to say that I have done a few of those things…I do now go and exercise 4 days a week which gives me the direction every morning and I have a reason to get up. I have found a church that I now go to and like you I like the music and the time to pray in my own way. I still have those off days where I wonder why…why me but thanks to my friends here and now having you also in my corner its means a lot. Thank you for your awesome words..:)
sooo sorry for the loss of your wonderful friend,he is surly looking down on you and being very proud to where you are today…. god bless you chip and may god hold you in the palm of his hand until you all meet again …… ty for sharing your memories larry, have a blessed day …. <3
Thank you Julie. May HE do the same to you. HE hugs me daily.
Larry – Thanks so much for such a lovely post about my brother, Chip. It meant so much to my dad and to our family that you reached out to him. I remember well Chip’s time working with you and he loved every minute of it! His wife, Cathy, was a loving, supportive wife who loved him very much. It’s wonderful to see that Chip continues to live on in your memories…as he does in ours. All the best
Thank you so much….amazing how I feel I needed the “touch points” with all of you. Not sure why but I hope to meet each of you someday in person. Chip and I did a lot together that is for sure and it was fun and successful work. I found all of this very confusing and no one to talk to about it. I would like to reach out to his wife and see if there is anything in the future I might do for her, but surely, do not want to be intrusive. Either way, thank you for the note. Gratefully, Larry
Dear Larry, As I write this there’s a letter coming your way via snail mail. It basically says thank you for being such a pivotal role in molding me. I appreciate your thoughts and most importantly your heart. Please know, I’m not just another fan wanting an autograph etc… I too have waited to long to find a way to contact you guys who paved the way into who I am and what I do. I tried for awhile (without success) to get a hold of you, Eric, and others to sincerely say “thank you so much”. Anyway, please be looking for the letter and I hope it encourages you, like you have encouraged me… Thanks! Jay
Jason, Today on My Anniversary, March 22, I revisited CHIP Hand and my writings because I received a CD from his father with some great songs he sang. I am sorry Jason, I did not see your msg here but I have not received any such letter yet. Respectfully, Larry
Sir, that’s my fault. I typed that message thinking it would be easy to send a few pictures along in the snail mail package for your much anticipated autograph. We’ve been swamped in the ER lately and I’ve been waiting to see your response. There are two pictures on your site of you on the bike back in the day. 1 picture you are riding with long sleeves on. The 2 is the one when your talking on the mic. I can’t find any place to purchase said photos. Can I copy them and send you a check for the copywrite requirements ? Those are the ones I’d really like to have autographed and I explain why in the letter. I’ll put a note in with the letter and go ahead and send it Monday, in case you do not receive this soon. Thank You so much for being do good to us….. Wow!! I’ve finally communicated with Officer John Baker…. Unbelievable!!!!
I am beyond stunned and saddened to hear about Chip, my former vocal coach! Have been trying to reconnect with him for years, and to hear this . . . ??! Thank you so much for the article, Larry. Yes, Chip was quite a guy. I always thought he had it all and was always headed for more success. My, my, I’m totally stunned . . . RIP, Chip. Thank you so much!
So sorry to hear about my former vocal coach, Chip Hand.
Met Chip filming a movie think in 1975 in fairfield ca. At a park flying a gas powered airplane toy.l we talked .i met him there daily I was a 15 year lid kid. He was so nice to me at the end of filming with max Baer jr movie he gave me the plane. Still stuck with me today. So sad of a loss. I’ve had others brad delp friend singer of Boston same thing .. Just sad.,..
I just finished watching a Room 222 episode with Chip in it. I will admit to having never seen or heard of him. But after this episode I was moved to look him up and learn more about him. Reading about the sad news of his death is magnified by the story line in this episode. He played a high school student who passes from leukemia. I do appreciate you sharing all of this with us, Larry. Thank You.
Scott I just watch that episode today which brought me to Larry’s blog. I was very touched by what he said. I learned a little about both these people. Larry definitely fleshed out those too few paragraphs on Chip. Shows every life has a story.
I, too, just today watched the “Room 222” episode with Chip Hand portraying a student with leukemia. I was very moved by the song he sang at the end of the show. It was called “You Don’t Know Me”. I don’t know if Chip wrote that song or if it was written by someone connected with the show but it made me cry. I just learned today while researching Chip Hand that he has been gone for several years. Finding out that information today and also seeing his “Room 222” episode only an hour ago makes this moment very poignant for me. He was a very talented man.
After reading your words and reflecting on them, Larry, I am going to reach out to the people I love and have loved in my past and tell them that I am thinking about them and that I miss them—before it’s too late. We are never guaranteed a tomorrow. Thank you for this very heart felt composition.