He shouts,”THANKSGIVING for what?” one student asks in a California Public School. The teacher hints the answer to try and boost this student’s self-esteem and reminds him and his Goth girlfriend with,” they sailed here, remember?” He smirks, with the doofus eye lids drooping and the blunt ingested smile, “why sail when you can take a plane?” (He roars at his humor) His Goth Girlfriend chimed in, “yeah, or they could not afford their luggage.”(Guffaw…..)The teacher smiles,.knowing that time and cultures have changed and perhaps she should move on in this class.
Thanksgiving used to be an acknowledgement of DIVINE GOODNESS. Of course in America we celebrated the good harvest with the Pilgrims and Indians. Reminds me of someone who recently stated that the definition of a terrorist seems to be in the eye of the beholder doesn’t it? Jokes about Thanksgiving are plenty and boring like what car did the Puritans buy and the answer is of course Plymouth, or what kind of Tan did they have and of course the answer is Puri – TAN.
In Canada, they celebrated a Canadian Thanksgiving in October in most provinces as it started with good old Martin Frobisher in Frobisher Bayas it is known. Nothing wrong with giving thanks for something, just define it daily in your heart, right? Happy belated Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends.
Today, we are seeing more of a secular Thanksgiving in the world and it has a shadow in most areas of the country. The simple lessons of gratitude, moral character, and the ability to reason from sound principal are no longer politically correct in today’s twittered culture. Those kinds of conversations are boring and are obstacles for the progressive thinker and his so called open freedoms.
Today, I woke up and had a little private conversation with someone. We talked about the high points in my childhood and the enormous sacrifices of my beautiful Mom who gave so much to everyone and got so little. However, I am thankful for what she taught me and thankful for our time together. She was so special and such a worker. I am thankful for my time with my brother Randy, a wild and wooly ride for sure. I am thankful for my sister Sharon and my last surviving member, my little bro, Andy the barber inPhoenix. Ands……boy did we pound good ole Ands. Love ya Bro! God bless you!
We then talked about my high school years and the various families who took me on trips and fed me from time to time and got me involved in activities and sports. The Steve Briggs Family, the Curt Penman Family, the Brad Cheney Family, the Steve Paul Family, the Terry Lehti Family; the Jim Brubaker Family; Mr. Lamberstson at the Texaco, Mr. Greene at the Chevron, and the lady who hired me at the Union Pacific Railroad to be a telegrapher ; the Vivey Family on their ranches; The Hansen Family on their sheep ranches; the Chapman Family; the O’Melia Family, Coaches Connor, Hitner, and Mafonni, teachers like Howard Strauss and wonderful romantic wordsmith in English; the Sally Rogers’ Family; the Landy Collier Family; the Baker family; the Judy and Roger Vagner Family and the Swanson Family; so many families that tried to donate to the evolution of a tarnished youth’s soul and I am grateful for such subtle gestures and sincerely appreciate the “Leg Up”. Thank you all!
In the Marines during life and death situations you begin to gravitate to responsible people because when it hits the fan, you do not want some flake next to you. There were so many great Marines, each and every time. They were so consistent in their personal belief system and the camaraderie of being a Marine that we always took care of each other. In my conversation this morning I remember one square kid, a Marine who went on in country R&R (rest and recuperation) with me toDa Nang,Vietnam. I only had two months left of my 13 month tour on the DMZ inVietnam. We drank too much beer and we decided we were going body surfing because we were Marines and we lived on the edge of the envelope (youthful ignorance). So we proceeded to run past the red flags for dangerous rip tides and a few minutes later I was swimming like crazy in this wave going to catch a big one and just never moved except farther and farther away from the beach. Alcohol and exhaustion do not mix and I began to tire and yell for help and swallow water. I do not remember being saved but I do remember throwing up a lot of salt water on the beach in agony after being rescued by that “square kid” who risked his life for me. I thank that young Marine for my Life. I laugh at that potential headline-“Larry Wilcox drowns in Vietnam While on Vacation from the War.” LOL
We talked about the dinners and events we had to put on this past year for school teams and we had no money for food. We laughed because this team was coming over the Larry Wilcox home and he was a movie star. Ohhh, if they only knew the devastation we had gone though; bankruptcy, courts, lies, slander and we were living week to week. We still had the kids over and made everyone happy. No one knew. I laughed one day to my wife and said that Mexican who asked me for money today at the car shop, well, little does he know, he has more money than I do. The only difference is I will make it all back again so it does not change me in any way. I have broke friends and rich friends and I prefer broke friends. However, for some, being broke is like having cancer, and people are just uncomfortable around you because they are going toEuropefor Thanksgiving and they know you may not eat. Life and the musical chairs. Poverty for me is a state of mind and I will not accept it. Poverty seems to disrobe some old acquaintances but that is ok as I am blessed with this experience for sure. Interesting how one defines identity. Some burnish it on their lapel and others on their heart. I am moving forward and the sun is on the horizon! Hang on!
Friends and Fans have been so special in so many ways. Some have loaned me enormous sums of money and some have done labor with me for weeks and months. Some have recently given me a special gift as a real CHiPs Anniversary Badge for that lucky time I had on NBC TV. Some have come to my rescue under very threatening circumstances and they stood tall. Thank you Tom, David, Hugh, and Frank for showing up for me in my hour of truth where illusion overlapped reality. Thanks to Bill and Kate for their generosity and philanthropy. Thanks to my FBI buddies in Florida for their kindness. Thank s to all my friends for all the letters they wrote on my behalf. I am grateful and I hope I express my gratitude to all, often. All of you have been such good Marines!
Well, I will not bore you with all of my THANK YOU Stories but my biggest thanks are to the special women who were exposed to me and honored me with our children. Five wonderful children, each a miracle in their own special way, have helped me navigate the tributaries in life. Derek was my first son, and was born on the Marine Corps base in beautiful downtown 29 Palms,California. Then came Heidi Kirsten, Wendy Johanna, Ryan John-Spencer, and Chad Weston into the Wilcox CLAN. I am divinely grateful for their health and their signatures they are putting on this life cycle and extremely grateful for their loyal love and education they offer me in so many ways. Mar Mar (my wife Marlene) has been with me for over 25 years and has seen and shared my highs and lows in life. She is a Marine for sure, because most would have kicked my ass out by now! (I knew I should buy a motor home…lol)
We all have a choice in life don’t we? We can choose to think negatively and invite drama. We can choose to think negative because someone did not respond in kind to our needy gestures. However, on this Thanksgiving, you will be amongst family and friends. Some will be put off with a personality or two. Some will be put off with the over indulgence of alcohol by one or two. Some today will probably be stoned or high on crack and full of rhetoric, opinion and verbosity. Some cannot consistently walk the talk and just are full of crap. Some will complain about the food, or one burned muffin. Some have become habitual complainers about the misery of life and enjoy the drama of such. Some are so damn “anxious” that the simplest of things get them upset and they start controlling through emotional abuse and the transference of pain from the child psyche. Some will search for the fleeting validation. Yes, Oh, the menus are full and ripe for choice.
Yet, some will look around the table and attempt to place the image of their loved ones and family members in the SAFE Memory of their soul to cherish thereafter when one leaves this dynamic called earth and its ephemeral life cycle. Look around, smile, give thanks…..thanks in words, thanks in gestures, thanks in your EYES AND YOUR SOUL. When those choices or traps appear, just smile and refrain and hug that person with amusement and love. Be entertained with his ignorance, his demeanor, his past, his being….just be loving and entertained. Give control to your maker and marvel at these various miracles at your table for Thanksgiving. And God forbid, if you have no food, marvel at their being and please ask for help so we can help you and each other.
The other day I shot stills and video of thousands of foster kids. They asked me if I wanted to be a celeb and be introduced and I said no. I wanted to simply photograph the miracles of life who needed the nourishment of love and parenting. I wonder how their Thanksgiving will be as my soul quietly weeps with them. I wonder about the families of missing Vets, of wounded warriors, of policemen killed in the line of duty, victims of weather, the children of disease, and of course the impoverished and the HOMELESS.
So I ask myself, how many deposits did you do this year for the hearts and souls of others knowing there is no reward and probably no reciprocity? The travels of a life cycle. It is indeed a humbling experience to be a HUMAN, isn’t it? We are all the same and we need to help each other. Thank you for my turn in this life! I sure love the treasure hunting I get to do with each human experience…in the grocery store line, or at work, or online….thanks! You are all treasures and I have loved the opportunity to observe and to engage. Even if you are not religious or a believer, maybe on Thanksgiving, you can say your own form of prayer and express gratitude and find someone to gift your wise heart.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Larry Wilcox and Family
Mr. Wilcox ,
I am really happy that this website exist. Your writing is amazing and you really pull the reader into your words. I look forward to reading much more from you.Oh, I can’t leave this post without saying how much I enjoyed C.H.I.P.S. The show put a dream in a young kids heart to pursue law enforcement. I am happy to say I achieved that dream.
Thank You,
God Bless you Eric….please keep your head down and be safe. Gratefully, Larry
Larry, I am grateful for the opportunity to, in some way, have you around. Perhaps you are not aware of how much your words have helped me!

Thank God, today, even in a moment so painful in my life, I chose to see the best in everything. I choose to keep walking!
It’s good to know that there are still people who choose to leave up and go find another, more needy.
I hope one day I can hug him and express my eternal gratitude.
Thank you for seeing the best in each of us!
HE loves you so very much…..give him the power. And lets keep working together for a SOLUTION. My prayers for our combined wisdom to find a solution.\
“It is divine grace get well. Grace largest persists in some hiking. But the grace of grace is never give up!”. -Dom Helder Camara-
Yes! We are together, Larry! =0)
Mr. Wilcox, I find myself thanking you yet again. Your words have touched me and I am so lucky to have met you and to be able to call you friend. Your ability to share your stories with us is truly inspiring.
Thank you and I hope that you have an amazing holiday with your loved ones.
Thanks…hugs to you
Thank you again, Mr. Wilcox for sharing with us and being such a great story teller. You have had some truly humbling experiences. Some of the stuff you wrote about I have heard before, but the financial hardships, and reading about how you struggled and continue to work hard and give to others FIRST makes me so proud of you and I am so lucky I got to meet and talk with you while in LA. It was a very special weekend. Thanks again for sharing and being such a shining example of what we all should be and do. May you and your loved ones have a truly blessed Thanksgiving.
love them…while they are HERE.
Thank YOU
his words are truly wonderful full of heart and kindness
Dear Larry,
You are so articulate, I love reading your posts. You have such a good heart. That is rare. This year has been such a growing year for me and this post has changed my perspective and helped me to refocus on others and not myself.
Thank you,
you are such a gifted mind….just need to share it
Thanks Denica….ditto. Hugs…larry
You have taught me so much and given me more priceless gifts than you will ever know. Forever grateful for the miracle HE named Larry Wilcox!
Your friend for LIFE,
I am but a voice for HE….but thank you. We all grow from different fruits on the tree. May all of us CONTINUE to want to grow and learn and……of course LOVE unconditionally.
Thank you for your consitent loyalty and GIFTS of time and material.
Dear Larry,
I am grateful everyday for WHAT I do have. Thanks once again for your great words that you write. Everyone should count their blessing everyday for we have no idea what is in our future. It can be taken away in the blink of an eye. You are an inspiration. Have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow and every day in this life.
Yes he giveth and he taketh…..we are given th miracle of life today…..and we should be a vehicle of goodness and caring. Thank you and have a great day.
dear larry and family have a wonderful thanksgiving,my family and i will be spending it with our troops,did the decorating to day at the battalion conference room,im frg president and am loving every minute of it especially known that were doing it for the ones who cant be home with their families,god bless you all and have a wonderful day and have an even wonderful start to your weekend
hooah !!
Thank you Julie for what you are doing….pass on my SPIRIT to them ….God Bless! Gratefully, Larry
When you wrote about hosting your son’s sports teams at your home and not having money for food, I felt very sad and felt tears knowing that you had gone through so much in the last few years. I also felt joy knowing that you have come so far and made the best of a horrible situation. With your work ethic, kindness and determination, you will come out on top again! Your children have a great role model in you and I am sure are very proud of everything you have accomplished. When they give thanks tomorrow, it will be for your love and time you have spent with them, not the money you have spent on them.
Thanks again,
Your words are always full of a special spirit and I am grateful for you. Yes, the whole story is a comedy and dramatic that each week has and had funny definitive cross roads. Luckily that team and others did not realize that there was no food and how my wife pulled that one off was pretty cool as she has done each time with mastery. The so called “lipstick” remains so not to encumber others. Onward and grateful!
Hello Larry…you’re amazing…and I’m proud to call you my friend.
I wish all the blessings to you and your family…and a wonderful, happy and safe Thanksgiving.
You’ve been a great example to me of strength of character and the never give up attitude we both gained from our Marine experiences.
Semper Fi Brother
Warmest regards, Uncle Chucke
Your the best Chuckie….hang tough Marine….over there in the “other” shark pool. LOL…Semper Fi Marine!
As always whenever you share I receive a gift. With this article you wrote it was a much needed paradigm shift that Creator spoke to me loud and clear through your words. Thank you for being generous in sharing your words with us, they are healing and we need them.
~ Blessings
Thank you Anthony…working on some things for your book and will get back to you later in a month or so.
The sun is finally on my horizon too – after battling bankrupsy, homelessness and cancer – i’ve just finished putting myself through university to gain a degree. i have job interviews and cancer is in remission.
Think you for your words of wisdom – i may not comment often but i read your words avidly. You’ve been such an inspiration and i admire your strength of character and determination.
I really hope you and your family had a good thanksgiving.
Warmest regards,
Wow Caroline….lets keep in touch and lets see if there is some idea or something I come along that may help YOU. I am a believer that you need to be on a really good diet, kind of like bill clinton, who has almost become a Vegan of sorts. I also would enjoy hearing what your goals are and what you are doing for jobs and lets all see if we can play TAG in some way. Anyway….HUGS…..very impressive. HE will guide YOU.
Wow you really know how to make a fan feel good – thanks! What a big heart you have – your family is so lucky to have you!
After surviving all that life has thrown at me, i’ve discovered that health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, and faithfulness the best relationship.
Great column, I really enjoyed it. Since you seem to read and reply here, can I ask you something? Is Sue Walsh really a close friend of yours? Not trying to start anything, I have just learned the hard way to not immediately trust everything you see and read online and it seems hard to believe a fan could become a close friend. No offense!
YES indeed.
Sue Walsh has given way beyond a FAN. She is like a sister or daughter if you will. And at first, I was a bit guarded but she has done things for me, and for her like CHIPS Fans beyone your expectations…..and…..her gifts are sometimes major RISKS for her and yet she does them. So yes she is a very trusted friend and I try to honor her friendship in small expressions of gratitude and hope someday to honor them with larger expressions of gratitude….but for now….I am simply surviving with hope and excitement for the future. Sue ……is about GIVING…..and many people are about TAKING.
I come here every time I know there is a new article your writing inspires me and gives me the will and inner strength to keep giving him the power and to keep going on. I am greatful for so much my family, friends, extended family the chat and these opportunities to chat and communicate with you. I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving . We did it was just as you said for me in surprising yet expected and unexpected and a few what do you do with this moments. In the end I know that no matter what I have my faith my children and true friends and true family and for me alot of those are chosen. I miss the army factor of those right now just being over a year retired. I thank you for being so giving and so thoughful. It does help me and so many others and I am humbled by it each and every time and I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving.
well welcome home Jennifer and THANK YOU. As you know in the military, we often did simulations for training. It is the same thing needed for Family Events in some cases and preparing for that event first hastens the knee jerk reaction that can put fuel on the fire. I had a nice Thanksgiving thanks to my Family. Bless you.
You are very welcome. I do know very well the feeling of simulated training and the effect it has and did have on many of us myself included. As the senior medic to a mp company in Germany and responsible at any given time for three or more out of the five platoons it was a very intence and gratifying yet sometimes scary time in my life. Until I arrived in Germany all of my time in service was spent overseas but stateside in Hawaii only considered to be overseas to due to the large body of water and it being an all island based state. I loved my time in service and miss it. i still feel the loss. I still get notices of some of my former soldiers who are no onger with us having made the ultimate sacrifice. I am glad to still be here for the family and kids bbut fleeting thoughts still grab me from time to time. i will someday find a way to continue to serve but for now I am spending my time getting well and , once that is comleted or atleast more stable back to work and school I will be so that i can again find a way to take care of the families and service members who so deserve our support. I am grateful for your support and friendship it means so much to me and my children that you take the time and make the effort. I read these letters and take the advice to heart always and remember to take it slow as it has served me well . i thank you for that. I am so glad that you had a nice Thanksgiving with you Family it is important for so many reasons. God bless you as well.
When you joined the military you chose a sacred path that will forever be emblazoned in or on your soul. Both the tragedy and the joy of such an experience are gifts that most never experience. They are very private gifts that go way beyond the sedimentary crust of life. May you find special time to talk about, to write about and to experience such things for YOU is my wish. Diaries are great and goals are great….but your CHOICE of thoughts is your reality, so choose them well. Thank you for your service and my an Angel Hug You. Larry
Hi Larry,
Thanks for this column, I enjoy reading it. I know you’re a very private person & I respect that. I was sorry to read about all the legal issues you had to deal with. You seem to be coming out on the other side of it & I’ve very happy for you & your family! You’re a very strong person.
I’m in CHiPs chat & have enjoyed the few times you’ve come into chat with us. The first time I got “finger tied” lol, but then as you started a conversation with me, I relaxed & enjoyed it. I’m a fan from the very start of CHiPs-I loved the show & I’m so glad that with Sue’s help, I was able to “meet” many others. I’ve ended up with so many wonderful friends that I’ve never even met-hopefully one day!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Hope to chat with you soon!
I have learned in life that definitions have many turns and twists. I believed that I had done the correct thing and had fully disclosed everything I did however, when you accidently step on a land mine, it still blows up. Even my attorneys said they would have done the same thing I did. Be careful who and what you trust! The important thing for me is that I had and have no ILL Intent, simply a mistake. Good people just pull on their boots and move on and stay away from the misery of such.
Hi Larry I am big fan of the series CHiPs’m from Argentina and is a salute Honor
Well welcome to you and to the great soccer teams of Argentina.
Dear Larry,
My name is Tabitha. I met you at the CHiPs reunion. I just read your Thanksgiving message and its great. I love these messages, they mean a lot to me. I’m really happy to learn that you are very grateful to the people that have helped you throughout your life. I, myself, are grateful to my parents, who have raised me in a Christian home and took me to church. I don’t think I could make it without them. I am also thankful to have met you this year. I felt like I have known you forever. And I must say, you mean a lot to me. Your character, Jon Baker, really reminds me what to look for in a guy. Your lifestyle really shows that too. I’ve always said to people that ” He’s the kind of guy I’m looking for”. I’m twenty years old and love CHiPs. I’m glad you had a Great Thanksgiving! I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!
What a wounderul message… God Bless You and your family
Thank you for the nice message and I hope you had a nice Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year. Our family had each other, the best gift of life.
Hi Larry (if I may call you Larry)
I’m from New Zealand, and am a CHiPs fan from way back.
I just found your website, and discovered this wonderful message from you. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in NZ, but my family have a tradition of sorts at birthdays that celebrate the birthday person with messages of encouragement and reinforcement.
I think it’s awesome that you seem to have belief and faith in God. I know personally how hard the challenges of life that He sends us can be, but it’s not till we look back that we realise that we didn’t get through it on our own and in our own strength. I was sorry to read of some of the challenges you have shared, but it’s great to see that you are using them to make you, not break you.
I have left comments on blogs and websites before, with noo feedback or responses, but I just want to take this chance to say thank you for using the gifts He has given you to enhance the lives of so many people from around the world.
Keep strong, take care and God bless you and your family.
Kia Kaha (be strong), and with Aroha (love)
Thank YOU Pauline. I filmed The Ray Bradbury Theater in Auckland a long time ago and flew a small plane to the south island and had a great time. Beautiful there but a long ways from everywhere. May you be blessed in this life cycle!
Thank you Kiara. Happy New Years to you.
dear larry hope you and your family had a wonderful thanksgiving and a very merry Christmas,and as we close out the year I truly wish you and your family a very blessed new year
Larry, Semper Fi, we joined the Corps at same time, May 67, MCRD San Diego. Served in Viet Nam 1970 at Chu Lai VMFA 122. Got out in 71 then spent 40 yrs in Law Enforcement in Mo. Just wanted to say hello and thank you for your service. I wish you peace, Ralph Cook
I just Googled what happened to the original cast of CHP, my curiosity for a show I so loved to watch got me here. I preferred the original cast over anyone new cast. The original was the best and Mr. Wilcox is quite the handsome guy on the original show and still is from what is see online. Thank you.