Memories of CHiPs

Two unique gentlemen named Richard Ramos (Bakersfield, Ca) and Anthony Goulet (Dallas, Texas) dedicate their lives to the Flowers (youth) and Gardeners (parents and teachers) of the world as gang interventionist ( They both agree that one of the things that place many youth in a vulnerable at-risk position in…
Video of the Week
Larry talks about racing, motorcycles, CHiPs and more!
Larry Visits The Just My Show Podcast
Photo Flashback!
“We The People”- A Message From Larry

The contrarian might say that bullying by bureaucrats is becoming a time honored form of harassment. Just drive up the coast of California and see all the rancher’s signs by the freeways claiming the injustices by our government because their water rights were turned off and their 100-year old fruit and…
Video of the Week
Here’s a real blast from the past!
Photo Flashback!
Video of the Week
Here’s a clip from a Made for TV movie Larry made in 1977. Naturally he plays a police officer. 🙂 ETA: Oops! It looks like the person who posted this clip on YouTube got their account deleted! Sorry if you missed out!