Some people might speculate that A Dinner Party with a grouping of nice tables and table cloths is simply that; a dinner party. I would beg to differ. A Dinner Party changes with the people invited. I mean imagine having a group of actors over and there is some fine music, a well appointed and served meal and some good old fashioned and casual exchange of stories laced with love humility and gratitude. Imagine the calm patience in the room of each actor sharing his or her story to the crowd and it is uninhibited and full of a rich, wonderful exchange. Now, take that same dinner party and invite some new comers and some teenagers and change the music and location, the gestures, the density of people and for some….the PARTY is ON or in some cases…the CIRCUS is ON!
The 35th CHIPS Cast Anniversary was a splendid evening of relaxed exchange of all parties. The Hollywood Show is a whole different event and perhaps more like a Hollywood Media Circus where the Public (Fans) and Collectors get to come and get their collectibles autographed in their original boxes by the Celebrities of the past movies and television shows for a fee. I suppose this event reflected on the mentality of doing business in America to some extent and on the American Public if one looks deeper into the hues of the canvas. I experienced lies, diplomacy, humor, anger, humility, ego and a few facts along with some very sincere joy. The jockeying for position, for rights, for attention, for talk shows, for interviews, for pecking orders, for parking, for reimbursements, for payments, for seating, etc was a cacophony of chaos littered with the hybrid carcinogenic blend of ego and greed and marketing.
This so called CHIPS evolution got its kick start by Sue Walsh, a dedicated and loyal fan of CHIPS who took her own savings and put on the 35th Cast Re-union for all of the cast members. She invited everyone of course and all but Erik Estrada and Randi Oakes showed up. Even some of the crew members showed up and of course the Producer Cy Chermak. It was a fine evening and I think everyone felt closure from that event and felt like it was an evening of balance and a sense of freedom to exchange any and all information without having to repeat for the media, “sound bites” in a bullet like fashion. Those media bites become orchestrated over time and easily noted.
The CHiPs culture began gaining momentum when MeTV contracted with Warner Brothers to re-run CHiPs on their TV Network every night of the work week. I was happy as the fans wanted the DVD or BlueRays of the remaining seasons but could not find or buy any as they just were not for sale yet. Through Me TV, the quasi adult/child fans could once again watch the show that had nurtured the crevices of their youthful identity and in some cases was recharged and that child psyche so wanted to be spawned in some fashion or form even though it had been now conditioned by Father Time and so called emotional adulthood. Perhaps this quasi adult/child psyche, now alone in their living room with their 60 inch digital monitor they just bought from Costco or some discount house could come out of the closet on their HARLEY with headphones blaring and donning the CHiPsl sun glasses. Here they were safe….45 year old men, smiling, repeating the CHP dialogue of fifteen seven mary three or four, and singing the CHIPS theme before their wives got home to see them overcome with their new found skipping gait of a 12 year old idenity. Ohhhhh, what joy…and in some cases…..with the women or wives…..a flushed cheek and the memory of those dreams of having one of those boys in tight pants as their Beau secretly hugged and kissed them and…..well, just imagine….….…….IF some of us saw or heard the graphic depths of their secret indulgent fantasy escapades these quasi women/girl psyches dreamed………oh we might blush with lust. …… and yes, we would have to write a different genre of story for my column and change the title to Guess Who’s Coming to Bed perhaps. I teased Ponch at the Entertainment Tonight Interview that he was not only the sex symbol but he was the horny sex symbol. We laughed at the old times….!
So MeTV contacted Sue Walsh and asked if they could talk to me about producing some spots for the re-runs of CHIPS. Sue forwarded me the info and I politely reached out to the liaison of MeTV and I said I would be more than happy to accommodate his needs. Then he asked me did I think that I could produce them and I suggested using the Motors and some drones I had access to so that the quality of the promo would be more than a talking head. He said he would get back to me and did not do so in a few weeks so I reached out again. He then said he was in discussions with Erik’s people. I wondered why he had reached out to me then but I suppose that was symptom number one. I checked back with him a week or so and said I see you are doing the advertising and not using my name per my contract and he said it was all tongue in cheek. I thought to myself, branding is not tongue and cheek but that was symptom number two. I then said, well did you work something out with Erik’s people and he said no they did not. I then said do you want me to shoot these spots and I presented some sample ideas and he said he would get back to me. A week went by and I checked in again and he informed me now, after all of these ideas and exchanges and emails, that they never pay their actors for any spots. I said that is weird, you are using their brand to sell advertising and yet you want them to do this for free and promote you Network. He reiterated they do not pay actors. I guess they just collect money from advertisers. LOL. So a week or so went by and I thought… know….I could really shoot some neat stuff with motorcycles and GoPros and Drones and digital stuff today…….maybe I will do this for free as an actor and just produce them and have fun producing because that is what I enjoy. So I went back to them and said that they did not have to pay me as an actor but did they have ANY budget for the production of these spots and he said he would “get back to me”. Another week or so goes by and he gets back to me that they just do not have the budget right now. I say OK and take him for his word and kind of verbally had a hand shake and moved on. Oh, the humor of a handshake in Hollywood.
Next I get a call from Calvin Spiker who does these kinds of celebrity autograph signing shows and acts as the liaison or manager for the talent and interfaces with the show promoters. Calvin said that he thought I should do the infamous CHILLER show and I said OK and then later we found out that the CHILLER show guy said that he felt it was too soon since I already did that show last year. So when the CHILLER show dropped off and we had to tell fans NOT to fly or come to that show, Calvin, began work on the Hollywood Show at the LAX Westin Hotel. When he came back to me and said that they wanted me to do it and I said OK. These shows are generally fun and Calvin sells my photos and I autograph them and it is a pleasing event for the fans and you can make some good money for the day with the various group and single photos offered. As this drug on, and time approached, Calvin began telling me that the promoter wanted me to do this interview and that interview and wanted a bunch of free pictures to sign and other such demands. I said……slow down. I need a deal memo or a contract with all of this outlined to review before I say yes to any of this and until this is agreed upon I am not committing to appearing at this Hollywood Show. So, of course, my name is used to promote the show on the Hollywood Show site and I remind Calvin to please express to the promoter that we do NOT have a deal and it is a misrepresentation to say that I am going to be at this show. With that in mind, I finally receive a contract which is unacceptable. So I take and edit with good old RED LINE TRACKING CHANGES ON and begin to mark up the contract with changes and limiting certain ambiguities. I send it to them and I do not hear back and finally they say they have agreed to all of my changes. I laugh, knowing in business that many people give you a verbal, and a slap on the back, which mean nothing. So, I say thank you, then please sign the contract and return it to me. Days later I still have no contract and they are now telling me they have got Erik Estrada and Randi Oakes coming to this event. I found this perplexing contingent upon the history. The good news is the dinner party will now be different as some of the invitees are different than before. In fact they ask me can I get Robert Pine, Paul Linke, Lou Wagoner, Lew Saunders, Michael Dorn, and Brodie Greer to come so the entire cast is there. I tell them that I will politely ask and invite them all but of course it is up to each of them. They all respond back with a YES and so now there are even more people coming to the dinner party.
Now the show is about a week away and I still have no contract so I remind Calvin that I am not your average excited individual who craves to be a celebrity, and if there is no signed contract, I will not appear no matter who is going to be at the show. It took me a longer time than it should have but Principle is a major thing for me. Finally I get the contract signed and I countersign it, scan it, and email it back as proof of a deal. I am then asked if we will do an interview with E and I say yes and I am told the entire cast will also be in that ensemble interview. I suppose the Promoter makes a deal with E TV on this and we are not privy to that deal but that is only a naïve assumption on my part. Then I receive word from the promoter that he has structured more deals with not only E Tonight but with MeTV. They are sending a producer and crew to do interviews and to produce some promos with the actors. Ohhhhh, I say (thinking back on my numerous communications with low budget Me TV)……Integrity you say? Fact or fiction…..prevarication or truth…….my lips to your ears……LOL. So the promoter asked me to do the interviews with MeTV and I say NO. Calvin asks me if I want to do some of the MeTV stuff and I say NO. I explain to Calvin that I some of us perpetuate social maladies or habits, however, I explain that principle is more important than publicity and I do not want to be the whore who compromises his values for my own Public Relations. I email some of my fellow actors and explain my position. So when the MeTV producer comes up to me on Sunday and explains that they did not use me to produce things because they heard I wanted too much money……I knew this diplomatic charade was being perpetuated and just shook my head at the Hollywood art of lying. My cast members of course went to do the promotions, as they should have. I thought…wow Larry, you have produced an award winning TV Series for HBO in the past (Ray Bradbury Theater) and they did not take advantage of all of this. Oh well, focus on your turbines and your digital distribution vision.
When we did the E Tonight show interview it was interesting and requires a lot of narrative that I will not bore you with in this column but depending on how they edit this show, it should be rather reflective and insightful. I hope we all get to see it soon. The producer/director in me wanted to shoot some b-roll for them for free because the show just did not work and it needed an architect as it was all over the place. At times I thought we were doing Judge Judy, and at times the History Channel, and at times referencing historic names and figures no one knows any more, including the host. It was at times comedic as each actor forgot they were in yesterday’s time capsule… Of course, I wanted to architect a more relevant reference point or visual but I had to remind myself I was a guest. It is at these moments I often feel like I am up on the ceiling watching my life and it is often comedy trying to be serious. I think I should point my finger at myself like Blake Shelton does on The VOICE.
Today I got a call from TMZ as they heard that some chips cast member got assaulted or someone had to be escorted out of the show. I said that was news to me but sounds like a P.R. person trying to get more publicity. Who knows…….but as you enter this Media World the “spin” velocity picks up to mach one quickly. Later I got an email from some Celebrity Group who wanted contact info. Of course this is all part of what sales organizations call the sales and marketing funnel.
During the day various actors would come by and say hello and say how good you looked…..and I would reciprocate in kind. Saw good old Dan Haggerty from Grizzly Adams, saw Ron Masak from Murder She Wrote, and the actress Sandra Santiago who I read with for Miami Vice test…..and Annie Lockhart who I starred in a Disney Movie with (Fire on Kelly Mountain) and others…….and those are old friends who are always so polite and nice to see. I sold some of my Lil CHP show for kids at the autograph signing session and Ron Masak and John Schneider were kind enough to do roles in that wonderful little kids show for me. A few excited kids got LIL CHP that day and their excitement was fun to observe.
During the first day which was very busy, we were signing and selling autographs like crazy. The price for all of us was the same, $25 each and there were lines of people interested and buying. The Chips cast was in the long hallway preceding the big room where everyone else was signing so we got first dibs and first money if you will. The first person they saw was Randi Oakes, the Paul Link, then Larry Wilcox, then Robert Pine, then Brodie Greer and Lew Wagoner and then at the end was Erik Estrada. Randi Oakes came up and introduced herself and it was so fun to see her and to see her beautiful family. Gregory Harrison (of Trapper John M.D. fame) is her husband and he is still the extremely handsome gentleman that he was as a youth….and says he still surfs every day. Later Erik came rushing by and told me that he wanted 3 of every one of my photos and we laughed and hugged and went back to selling. Brodie thanked me for including him and Lew, Paul and Robert were as always consummate professionals and gentlemen. Robert and I reminisced about the days when we got jobs on Westerns and received a salary for playing cowboys and Indians. I really enjoyed stepping back at times and just observing each individual and the path they had taken in life and reflected on the meaning of lack of meaning of such. I thought about what life means to each individual and how they express it in a multitude of ways. I wanted to do a quiet interview with each one for our upcoming DVD and hope that will bring closure for all of us. During this frenzy I was approached by the promoter’s staff and said that everyone had signed these photos except me and he would appreciate it if I would take the time to sign them also in between fans. I know this old guilt trip so well in sales (everyone has signed them but you)….but ignored the trite quality of the statement and realized I was donating the signed photos. I forgot during this frenzied moment that this was not part of my contract……..of course. We also did some group shots where people lined up to be in a photo with Erik and myself and or the cast and luckily Calvin Spiker counted everyone because the payment for that was wrong…….of course…..and it was just an oversight but it was through Calvin who corrected it. Oh yeah….there is a Whole lot of shakin going on in Hollywood and if you are not careful you will get back slapped right into poverty. This is why actors want agents on the premises. Then later on one of the ladies who checked in the Celebs comes up to me and said that you know you got a bag of goodies from some of our sponsors and we wanted to take a picture of you holding some of the products. I said no. She looked at me in shock and aghast at the candor and rude, bluntness of my statement. I said….look, I would love to help everyone with ALL of their products but that is how I make a living. I do not offer my celebrity for free……come on! She left shaking her head but the guilt ploy did not work. I also shook my head but smiled. Man….bullets are firing a way….better have fast twitch fiber in this world for sure. But, it is better to have bullets firing because that is actually a good sign in Hollywood.
But the soul of the event was surely the fans. I got to talk with them, pose with them, cry with them, hug them and give back. I almost felt like God gave me a healing wand and for a day I could LOVE their hearts and their yearning souls. We talked about a lot of things and I will only share a few. These people came from all walks of life. They were articulate and not; they were well traveled and not; they were well dressed and not; they were handsome, pretty and not; they smelled good and Not; they were AMERICA. One grown strong adult male came up and all he could gyrate about was CHIPS and he literally wanted to kiss my hand as if I was the GodFather. He was so out of his body with joy and just could not take his eyes off this illusion in front of him from his favorite all time show, his hero, Jon Baker. We talked and talked and he came back the next day with his beautiful wife and children. He told me all about how the kids now love the show and what it meant to them and now they all sing the songs and they all know the CHP dialogue. Later he just kept re-appearing and wanting to talk more. Finally he came back and almost on his knees (this is a big man with big shoulders about 6’4”) and asked me is there any way I could do a short scene with him and his wife would film it. For a minute I just stared incredulously….not knowing if I should laugh or oblige and of course I obliged. So his wife used their iPhone to video er husband with Jon Baker (gray and tubby)I doing a scene where I am going to cuff him. Ohhhhh, was he elated….jumping up and down as he reviewed the video on his wife’s phone. He disappeared and came back an hour or so later with another request….and said is there anyway we can do a pick up on one part of the scene where I hand cuff him…..and I said ….NO. Sorry our scene is done. I think he knew he crossed the line. I got to be his hero for a few minutes and his family just stared in elation. Some people ask me if this caresses my ego and I reply with a No. However, it makes you really feel good when you can give someone joy and that feeling is a gift I deeply appreciate.
Another mother from Montana brought her two daughters who spent the entire two days with us at the autograph show. These two young girls in their teens were shy and had a hard time expressing themselves but just loved being in every photo with all of us. AT first we all made a very big deal about them and each actor included them in their photos and sat on the Motorcycle and shot a photo and sat with and stood with us and shot photos, etc….on and on. The last day in the last hour I was there they came up with their Mom and asked if they could kiss me good bye and so each of them kissed me (awkwardly) on the cheek and blushed and began to weep. They told me they loved me and I told them I cared for them also….and good luck to all of them and drive home safely. I momentarily did a flash back on my age and said….be careful what you say here to these very young girls…..don’t get creepy on them. Ohhh, the life and times of perceptions and the Political Correct.
We all departed and Calvin walked me to the door as he had a red eye flight back to the East Coast. I thanked him for doing a great job, for protecting my fanny with the money and contracts. I got in my car hopped on the 405 freeway and realized I had hardly spoken a word to any of the cast members as it was surely not a reunion or dinner party……it was a GIG. I finally arrived home in about 40 minutes. I walked in the door smiling and handed the wad of cash to my wife and asked what was for dinner. She had it all ready and we shared a glass of wine and talked about our children and what I would do next week with the technology I was working on and the so called funding groups. I asked about her father in the hospital and did her mother need anything. I tried to wind down and so put my brain on dial tone and turned on the TV and watched some Bronco football and records being set by Peyton Manning. Oh the dimension of “records” and yet…..our really important record is our children and family. Learning the importance of family means you missed something along the way in your own life. I learned it and continue to learn it at this late date. I often have referenced true north on your compass spindle and Family and Parenting are true north for me.
In life one can create their own reality by either habitually accepting your first thought with no capability of educational editing or hopefully, in some cases….. re-adjusting and editing the thoughts you accept per situation and creating a “different’ reality. Choosing thoughts and thus a reality makes you the architect not the victim. I like to think we really do create our own reality with thoughts and so I choose to remember these fans and their needs as humans that were placed in this dimension for whatever reason. I am not serving them….I am interfacing sincerely with their energy systems. It is wonderful. As I watch business people get sloppy with commitments and their word, I usually cut them some slack and hope that one day they will have their own meeting with their conscious about responsibility and reasoning from Principle. Some have that meeting and some never do. I have made equal or greater mistakes and I hope I continue to learn and not judge.
I have been lucky enough to see most of the colors in the spectrum of life and some I selfishly enjoyed. I hope I never do that again….as I want it to always be a two way street of joy and sensitivity. Anyone can seem bad or seen to harbor a hidden agenda….but it is always out of context and or distilled through our own encumbered litmus paper. The above was a fun and enjoyable experience. Even the perceptions of bad symptoms, re-aligned, came out OK and acceptable. Remember, every person could tell my story in a different fashion. Unfortunately, spinning a story or intent is the virtuosity of many attorneys always mitigating risk….and has become the habit of many Americans. I hope you all get to see the E Tonight show but not sure if the edited version will be candor or another media veil with some patina called lipstick. However, each day I get to sharpen my skill sets on all fronts…..and smile while exchanging energy…………thank you all for the gifts! I thank the promoters, the actors, the managers and the FANS.
Humbly and Gratefully,
Way to stand your ground! I have been though the same thing with my family and you always have someone who wants to be the “fly in the ointment”, and cause trouble. I have also been on the receiving end of individuals who have either taken of me, or tried to in more ways than one, (Especially being an adult survivor of child sexual abuse.) and it can really hurt. If it wasn’t for Lord and His mercy, I would be in really bad shape. I firmly believe He used TV shows such as CHiPs to help me be the fighter that I am today, and I wanted to say thanks. If you’re ever in the Philadelphia area, I hope to get to actually meet you, and if possible say this in person.
Wendy Saddler
Sorry you had to go through that in your childhood Wendy but hope CHIPS was a little relief from that trauma. Hugs and yes I hope to meet you one day. Larry
Well written as always. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with us, they are always so insightful. There are always great lessons to be learned in your columns. I’m honored to have the privilege of helping you share them with your fans. Hugs and God Bless…
Thanks for ALL you do for so many including ME.
I have worked behind the scenes at many similar events. Yes, I’m a fan but I know and respect boundaries. Not everyone does. I have had to move things along for guest stars and even protect one from a stalker. I gladly did it all and have no regrets how I handled it all.
Larry, I’m happy to see the details all worked out and you were able to attend the signing. I’m sure you made the day for so many wonderful fans of CHiPs as well Jon Baker and Larry Wilcox! In a perfect world. we want to believe the cast was there for more than a GIG…but it does give us fans some hope for the “dinner party” youn may have with them possibly one day. God Bless.
We had the Dinner Party on the 35th Cast Reunion. It was more relaxing and not so chaotic but this was fun as I hoped I communicated in my overview. JOY….
Love to read your columns! I grew up watching CHiPs in Brazil, Jon was my hero!
Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you Paula….I sure had fun when I visited Brazil.
Hi Larry
Loved reading this. I guess it probably feels a little surreal at times, like an “out of body” experience for you. I was delighted to see the photo of all you wonderful guys together again! A little bit older and probably more wiser!! I think your next project should be writing a book about CHiPs!! You write things down as it is, no messing around with words! Keep doing a great job Larry. We all love you … and the rest of the guys!!! Can’t forget them!!!!
Always your fan
Thank you Lizzi. It was a great experience and I always enjoy seeing the Cast again. The Fans were impressive and as I say….they are our employers.
Hi Larry. I respect you for standing your ground in regard to Hollywood. Good for you….It’s inspiring. Thank you for sharing your experience with the recent Hollywood Show. My sister and I were there on Saturday and we had such a great time meeting you! We both love nostalgia and classic TV/movies. It’s great to go back every once in a while to remember fond memories of yesteryear. Thank you for sharing your time with an array of fans from all walks of life. We appreciate you! It was an honor to meet you. All the best to you
Thank you Antoinette and we enjoyed posing with you all for your photo….I remember it. I sent you all a tweet today…enjoy the Classics.
Greetings Larry, thank you for putting your heart and soul into each and every one of your columns. I look forward to reading them, but I will say that when you spoke of the fans, it really caught my eye. It can be hard to see sometimes how a celebrity feels about their fans, but you clearly appreciate us as much as we appreciate you. So thank you for, well for just being you!
Thanks Kelly for indulging me… make it all fun.
It’s good to hear this from your perspective, Larry, cutting through the circus and backslapping promises. Your stream of consciousness about these experiences is at first disturbing, but calms and assures by the end. It’s good to see there’s a real person in there, observing the energy streams of others, of fans living out their own dreams and dramas based on their disparate perceptions, without letting yourself be steamrolled, too freaked out, succumbing to an inflated ego, or retreating in hopeless cynicism.
We sincerely hope you profit from this CHiPs resurgence, rewarded for your labor and protected from shameless opportunists. You deserve it. (It felt good to hear about you handing your wife that wad of cash)
Dave (and wife Dawn)
Thank you Dave and Wife,
The point of the column is to show that an event or as I say, a “movie” has a beginning, middle and end for each of us to distil. POV and or perceptions change with the timeline of such. I hope this column was educational for people not to get caught up in their choice of thoughts and to find a way to move forward and smile during any and all kinds of business. Business is often about parasitic drag but you can focus on it, blame it, and or become a victim of it. In my case, I point it out, and believe the end result and my choices and other’s choices were in most cases correct and good choices. Knee jerk interpretations of instances are reflective (in my case) and I often watch my own evolution in this editing process. For me, this is fun and educational each time. It was a fast and furious event for the first day and a lot happened in a short period of time. I wanted the Fans to read my column and understand all of the issues that come to play in this kind of event and how business works. I hope you construed it as an article of obstacles and solutions, both real and perceived. I am grateful for the experience on many levels and I hope that I showed myself as a grateful gentleman and not a “Celebrity” who was owed something. The gift was for me….not the money or the Celebrity stuff…..the gift was the FANS.
Thank you for your fine comment and excellent writing skills. God Bless.
Larry Wilcox
Wow, you sure know how to write a story! Sounds like you had quite the adventure. I wasn’t able to attend the 35th Anniversary reunion but it sounds like it was a truly memorable event for all who did. Tell us more about Sue Walsh! How did you manage to find such an extraordinary person to help you? I saw a post on your Facebook fan page where you called her your daughter. What a special and loving relationship you two must have! She is so dedicated to us fans and we surely appreciate it. I don’t know where she finds the time or the energy but sure glad she has both. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us fans. Hope you will write again soon, your columns are a treat.
Thank you Marie and of course I have a special gratitude for the loyal and benevolent support that Sue brings to me and to all of us. She is like the Energizer Bunny….she just keeps working.
WOW!!!! Wish i coulda been there. You and Eric together again never thought that’d happen. Was it awkward seeing each other after all these years?
Well you always look at someone else and wonder why they are OLDER and you seem to forget YOU are older. LOL
Okay that guy who had himself filmed with you pretending to cuff him seems just a little bit creepy. LOL Don’t know how you celebrity types deal with all the crazies. Thanks for sharing it was a great read. You should write a novel sometime!
Thank you….I plan on writing one someday…
I really enjoyed reading this, glad the cast had the opportunity to reunite.They don’t make television shows like they used to,and “Jon Baker” was my favorite tv cop. I loved the character- the humility,the intelligence, the wit.Not to mention you were one of my biggest crushes,lol. Nice to know that after these years,the cast still values their fans. Thank you, I hope you have all the future success that you deserve.
…and this:)
That guy with the video really does sound creepy, but to your credit you indulged him in his fantasy. Apparently, though he doesn’t respect boundaries. Quite the story teller you are, Larry. Enjoyed it very much.
Thank you Amy…for taking the time to read it. Merry Christmas.
Hope u all doing well
Feeling great Christeen….not that I have my Squirt every day ( and I take my Arginext. Hope you are doing well also.
As I sit watching your show, it continues to remind me of the good days of just being a good kid. I think part of the reason I never gave my parents much trouble was due to watching CHiPs. My six year old son, Tucker, lives to watch it every day at 6:00. Thanks for all of the words above, which prove you are truly human. Thanks for all of the fun and the memories….. Now I’ve got to get back to your show!
I love this show when it was on, GLAD IT IS back on and watch it every nite
I ran into you when I was a cashier at Fry’s Electronics And you were buying your daughter a laptop. U put a smile on my face. It’s nice to have a role model growing up in the Valley. Even though it’s just a show I think your persona pervades your real humbleness.
I read the article about your views on being a vet and parenting skills. You really are a hero!