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larry wilcox mi idolo lo amoooooooooo
Have there been talks about doing a new updated version of chips?
I still watch Chips Mon thru Fri at 6pm on METV. I dont miss it for anything and I DVR the shows just in case I do have to be out. Larry was my 1st white guy crush as a kid lol and Im still attracted to him lol just still so handsome. Since than white guys is what I like. Because of him. Aaahhhh so handsome
Hello sir I watched and love your show. I own the box all show do another show
Mr Wilcox it’s because of you and Mr Estrada that I got into law enforcement.
Thank you
I so miss watching chips. Thanks john for making chips alot of fun
I watched chips as a kid
CHiPS was the best show in the late 70’s growing up. I would never miss an episode, every Thursday night @ 8:00. This is when TV was clean, this was my favorite show. Larry & Erik were amazing!! I have the first 2 seasons, and only if Warner Brothers would release the other 4. Such talented actors that are truly missed!
Larry is Legend
No question,Just a thank you to you for making my childhood better. I loved the show and would make plans around show times.
Hello, I knew the very second I saw those tan gloves night was made! <3
Larry you and Eric are why I went into law enforcement. Thank you. …..
I watched chip all the time growing up and I think somebody forgot to tell Larry he was my future husand
Good evening Larry and CHiPs cast have a great weekend with family and friends and a safe one too
Hi Larry I loved chips as a kid and you were always the cool minded officer good memories of watching with my mom and dad
I found put that my former husband got his desire for riding motorcycles from watching CHiPs as a kid. He also says that you were the cool cop on the show. He would also like to see the show on tv again.
It was always a family event with myself and my two sons to watch CHIPS. . Wondering if maybe a reunion might be in the future again
Looking forward to watching Chips on METV!!!
Hey thank you mr wilcox/officer baker for doin all of those chip episodes i really enjoyed them as a child i only own seasons 1and 2 thank u so much
Love chips … miss you guys
I know that Dean is so thrilled that CHiPs is FINALLY back on television. He is watching nightly. He tells me facts about the show and the Kawasaki motorcycles that you and Eric ride. Thank you for inspiring Dean to desire to learn and ride motorcycles and thank you from me for serving our country. It is most greatly appreciated. Take care Larry and God Bless you.
Larry is so dreamy
Would love to see a remake of CHiPs – as they did with Hawaii 5-0
Hello !
Hello Larry Wilcox, my name is Randy Rothwell. I am a long time rider. Do you still ride and if so what bike do you like? I want to thank you for your service sir. We can tell a good person and you sir are just that. CHiPs was a good family show. Thank you for that as well. I ride a softail but like all motorcycles. Thank you for your time if your able go answer on your riding. Have a good night.
I can’t miss an episode of CHiPS, just admire Larry
Just stopping by to say Semper Fi. From one Marine to another and thanks for great acting.
I have watched you before Chips. Even after 20 yrs of law enforcement myself. I still love the show.
We enjoy watching CHIPS on ME TV in Leavenworth Kansas..Thank you for years of great entertainment television. Here is hoping all is well with you & your family. May you always be Blessed.
Thank you Tim & Paula Fitzgerald
Did CHiPs have any celebrity fans of the show when it was on the air?
Just wondering how long you’d been riding a motorcycle when you started on “CHiPS”?
I went from a 49cc scooter to a 750 Honda Shadow in less than a year. Got motorcycle license at age 62 – am now 63 and love to ride! I really admire the way you and Erik rode so tight.
I’ve been enjoying watching CHiPs on Me-TV. Such fun to watch agian.!!!!!!!!!
Larry, my husband & I are huge fans! We watch everyday. We also have chips on dvd. Waiting for all the episodes to come out! I also watched the show when I was a kid. I had the biggest crush on J. Baker (still do)!
i think back to what I consider to be the golden age of television. In the late 70’s and through the first two thirds of the 80’s. When shows didn’t have to overdo everything to be entertaining. There are a few shows that stand out as very memorable to me: The Incrsdible Hulk, The Amazing Spider-Man and my favorite, CHiP’s. These were the shows that we watched as a family. A couple years ago I found the entire series on Nextflix and would watch all the episodes with my dad. So cool getting to see all the episodes again. Recently I discovered that I have a channel that shows the episodes so it is set to record every one of them so I never miss one.
Another neat thing that I got to do while I was on active duty in the Air Force is got to Mr. Wilcox’s high school to proctor the ASVAB to students that were thinking about joining. They had a picture of him up in the hallway.
Mr. Wilcox, I would like to thank you for being part of something that is really big to all your fans out there. I wish I would have known this site existed a long time ago. I guess I had pretty much reserved myself to the fact that I wouldn’t be watching your show anymore unless I bought the dvd’s but now that I have found it on tv it gives me something to look forward to in the evening. I’m hoping if I ever get the opportunity to head out west that it is at a time when I would be able to meet you and get something autographed. Im still a cop in the military and I think you and Mr. Estrada had a lot to do with that.
Thank you again for allowing me to ramble.
Dear Larry,
I DVR the CHiPs series and enjoy coming home from my Police Dept job and watch it daily. It is still my all time favorite show.
Thanks for all of the work you put into it.
Holly waz
Always a fan. What have you been up to lately? Enjoy your holidays!
Hi. Sue and Larry!
Thanks for bringing back lots of fun childhood memories! Love seeing all the pics.
I grew up in VA and Hollywood seemed so far away. In 2002 my job transferred me there and for 8 years when I would pass certain streets or see the CHP out I would start smiling as it always reminded me of CHiPs!
I am going to see Unbroken at 4 with my neice who is on college break so I will miss this chat. Hope to join in soon.
Can’t wait. Love Chips. Was so happy when MeTv added it to there line up last January.
Hi Larry , I want to say I’m a big fan of chips watched almost every show my question is were the guns real that u and Erik carried on the show thanks
Mr.Wilcox, you alone made chip’s the awesome show that it is. Your an amazing person/actor. I love you. Thank you.
Hi I Love Chips!!!
Go John and pounch u guys r the best
You guys need to bring a new chips tv show out that wood be great
Enjoying watching season one and two of CHiPs. Never seen one before.
Lovely website Larry.
I love Larry, y hasta que mi vida se termine te seguire amando…….
Same here girl so im love with him lol. He is sooooo handsome.
Hi. I am Bradford. And I am 11. Now I know it seems strange for a kid to watch “C.H.I.P.S” but I like all the old tv shows that are back from the 20th century.Kinda weird for an 11 year old to like that stuff.But I am not a KID I am a young man.And I LOVE CHIPS hahaha get it,but really I want to meet YOU A.K.A. John Baker and Erik Estrada A.K.A. Frank ponch.I love CHIPS yum.Hahaha!
Huge fan from Trinidad n Tobago loved this show so much n still does. Chips rocked the 80 s. Sorry I couldn’t meet you all in person.
Hi Larry,looking forward to your visit to Pensacola. Anita
Mr Wilcox,
Thank you for your service and most importantly, Welcome Home!
Sorry this msg has taken so long.
God bless and stay safe.
Thank You for your service ! It’s Veteran Day but the sacrifices you made are appreciated every day we get to live our lives.
Thank you for your service in the Marines. Appreciate your service for our country.
Just want to thank you for your acting skill and for all the years of entertaining us as kids and still watching all the reruns. I miss what good family tv was about. Hope you’re doing well and God Bless.
I’m watching Chips now. You are the best. I love the show. Watched as a kid and continue now. There needs to be a reunion show where you and Eric train new high way patrolman. I’d watch with my kids today. Please you have so many followers.
I loved Chips growing up and I still love the show now. Jon baker you were my favorite then and you still are. They don’t make men like you anymore, your smile makes my day. God bless you!
Fan of the show and it got me into riding motorcycles and inspired me to become a vol FF helping the communities.
Wondering if you’d ever direct/produce a minders CHiP’s… Would love a new show themed the same way (I know there was chips 99).
Thank you for serveing our country
CHiPs was my favorite show when I was little. I waited all week in anticipation of what would happen on the new show. Unfortunately I missed a few because that was punishment for doing something wrong. Those days were so hard on me lol when I was grounded. My friend at school saw it and would be talking about it and I remember being so upset. Good times lol I have seen all the episodes now and over and over again.
I want to say hi to Larry Wilcox. Also he and Erik Estrada did a great job on Chips. You both are making a positive difference in a lot of lives. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Best Wishes from your fan in Grants Pass Oregon,
Lori Hager
I really miss Chips! This world is a better place because of yours and Erik Estrada’s positive examples!!

I want to say hello to Larry Wilcox and wish him the best. He did a great job on Chips.